Chapter 8 : Discoveries and New Plan

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"I have some good news for you Amber..." Thanatos said as he entered the Library. He wasn't wearing his armor but normal clothes.

His clone had sent his memories to him a few seconds ago and to say he was pleased would be like saying that water wet... From what he could gather, Ozpin and his follower(s) were equally looking for those who attacked the Fall Maiden but unlike him, they didn't know WHO they were.

In addition, the Hunstman Qrow, who was also the one who stoppped Cinder and cie to steal all of the girl's power, was missing and from what he heard was somewhere to gather information on the enemy.

In short, he was looking for infos about Salem and her followers.

He would have to visit her soon...

He had been angry by Cardin and the rest of Team CRDL's behavior and blatant racism toward Faunus but he was proud of how his clone handled it.

He would have done the same... but worse.

Anyway, once his clone's memories settled in his head, Thanatos got up of his throne before walking toward the Library to find the only other occupant of his Palace : Amber herself. During the time she passed here, the two of them grew close to the point of seeing each other as siblings.

Amber was fascinated by the books she found in his Library as some of them were unknown to her ! There were even some books about Magic ! It was no surprise that she had, a few days after her arrival, asked him to teach her and he did just that... albeit with nervousness as he never taught anyone before.

Thankfully, it wasn't as hard as he thought and instead, it was kinda fun. He would sometimes allow Amber to go outside the Palace to practice some spells or hand to hand combat techniques. The advantage of being Half-Dead was the ability to still be able to use your powers.

Back to present, as the words left his mouth, the young woman in question turned away from the book she was reading to look at him

"What news ?" she asked him curiously while putting the book down.

"My clone found your body..." Thanatos answered to her with a tiny smile.

Amber's face brightened like millions of lamps at those words and she quickly appeared in front of him with joy and excitement

"Really ? Where is it ?!" she asked him with stars in her eyes.

Amused by her current behavior, the embodiment of Death's face then turned serious as he answered in a calm tone

"At Beacon... in a Vault of some sort..."

Hearing this, Amber smiled wider as she clapped her hands in satisfaction

"Does this mean I can finally go back to the World of the Living again Harry ?!" she asked him with pure happiness. Since recently, he had allowed her to use his name.

Thanatos shot her a fake look of pain and sadness "That eager to leave aren't you ?"

Amber's happy face turned blank as she stared at him before quickly hugging him when she realized what she said.

"I'm sorry Harry ! I didn't mean it like that !" she apologized to him while hugging his waist.

Then she stopped in her tirade when he heard him chuckling and looked up to see him staring at her with a mischievous smirk. For a second, she stared at him blankly but one she putted the pieces together, her face turned into a scowl as she glared at him

"You...You pranked me ! Again !" Amber cried out to him and he only laughed in response which caused her scowl to deepen as she grumbled


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