Chapter 15 : The Branwen Tribe and the Return of Summer

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The next day following the Dance, things returned back to normal... even if Harry's relationship with Glynda's assistant was now well-known among the student body. Needless to say that Team RWBY and JNPR both congratulated him for this even if Yang had been REALLY embarrassing with some of her question.

Such as "Did you do it yet ?"

Thankfully, Blake and Weiss both slapped the back of her head to shut her up while Ruby was complaining about how gross it was. Trust the leader of Team RWBY to be sweet and innocent to the end. Right now, our hero was in a secluded part of Beacon, discussing with Amber about his new plan regarding the last Relic .

"Are you sure this is gonna work ?" The Fall Maiden asked him with a frown, not really sure about what he had in mind.

"Of course ! She dislikes Ozpin as much as Salem and would probably want to participate in this just for the chance of getting rid of him !" Harry retorted with confidence.

"Probably but will she really want to work with You-Who-Who ?" Amber asked him inquisitively while crossing her arms under her bust.

"You know the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'..." Harry retorted with a shrug before adding with a grin.

"Beside, I'm pretty sure the Boss will use something to make her comply one way or another..."

Amber nodded in agreement before saying "You know... As much as I like talking to you, I still miss Thanatos..."

"Him or the large Library in his palace ?" Harry asked her with a teasing smirk

"Shut up you !" the Fall Maiden hissed with a blush while slapping the back of his head, which caused him to laugh in amusement.

"Alright alright I will stop !" he said to her with a smile before adding more seriously

"What about Emerald and Mercury ? Did they tried anything ?"

The Fall Maiden's red face turned equally serious as she responded calmly "The guy didn't see me but the girl did..."

Harry blinked in surprise at those words but before he could say anything, she talked again

"She hadn't stopped sending me looks of regret and shame..."

"Maybe she wants to make amends ?" Harry asked her gently while putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Perhaps...I don't know..." Amber responded with a deep sigh.

"Maybe you can go see her and talk with her..." our hero whispered to her in a gentle tone.

He knew that Emerald had only attacked Amber because CINDER wanted it and regretted it. The green haired Thief loved the Mad Woman but the sentiment wasn't shared... as Ms. Fall only cared for Power.

"But try to make sure Mercury isn't around first..." Harry added with a soft snarl.

Mercury Black was not like his 'partner' because of his love of hurting others or even killing... even if it wasn't as much as Tyrian Callows.

Amber glanced at him with a raisebrow before nodding her head in agreement.

Hearing something ringing, Harry reached out for his pocket before out his Scroll. On it was the name of the One calling him


"You should answer~" The Fall Maiden cooed at him with a wide grin on her face.

He shot her a small glare before taking the call "Mr. Potter I'm listening..."

"Hello love ! I wanted to know if you were somehow available ?" The White Wolf Faunus's voice echoed through the device.

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