Chapter 21 : The Gods are Summoned !

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Salem stopped her walk through the devastated streets of Vale before looking around. Her face showed nothing but internally she fell a bit bad for allowing such a chaos to be. Sure it was all for summoning the Gods and to save Humanity (and Faunuskind) from another great extinction by the hands of the Gods, but the citizens didn't deserved that.

If all of this had happened a decade ago, Salem wouldn't have cared for the lives of others but thanks to Thanatos... she felt human again. He had been a great help during all those years and she will never be able to thank him properly for that.

Shaking her head to focus back on the present, the Queen of Grimm then resumed her walk, followed by her escort loyally following her. As she walked, she couldn't help but being excited as soon, everything she had worked for will happen.

The Gods will be back and she will finally have her revenge against them !

The thought of seeing the Twin Gods dying made her smirk darkly in pleasure.

She couldn't wait for it !

Elsewhere, Harry was also walking in the streets of Vale, helping some citizens from time to time or killing a Grimm for pleasure. Then he paused when he felt a strong presence a bit far away from his position. He recognized it as Salem's and quickly he decided to head toward her, knowing that his presence will be needed... for the better or worse.

Meanwhile, the battle was terrible and merciless as our heroes were killing the Creatures of Grimm like no tomorrow. They were fighting like Tigers and with the courage of Lions. They showed no pity as they killed any Creatures of Grimm unfortunate enough to be in their paths. They were soon joined by Professor Oobleck and Port along with many other Atlesian Soldiers and Mechs.

Everyone was watching the others' back, protecting each other while engaging the Dark Creatures. It was no easy feat but so far, they were doing good. Even Ozpin was being protected ! While everyone hated him now, they didn't want him to die so soon as he had a lot of things to answer for !

Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow, Peter, Oobleck and some of the other adults hadn't stopped glaring at him whenever they had the chance to and not chance did he tried to say anything, knowing that if he does, things would be even worse for him.

The teenagers, for their parts, were also glaring at him but their attention were more focused on the Creatures of Grimm attacking them from all sides...

Regardless of the tensions, they were courageously holding their grounds against countless of enemies. Why were they so many Grimm heading their ways ? Because of the dark emotions radiating from them : mainly Anger and distrust.

However, despite their bravery, they were still out-numbered on some of them clearly were showing exhaustion because of all the fighting.

"It is the end isn't it ?" Amber asked her comrades in a soft tone.

"It seems so..." Emerald responded to her lover with the same tone as they stood side by side.

"It was a pleasure to meet you guys !" Ruby said to everyone present as she held Crescent Rose in her hands.

"We know !" the teenagers all responded to her as themselves were tightening their hold on their weapons.

"Children ! Don't start being pessimistic ! We can still win this !" Qrow admonished them while using his scythe to kill a charging Beowolf.

"But Uncle ! We are clearly outnumbered !" Yang retorted to him before punching an Apathy in the face.

"She is right ! We won't be able to hold our ground forever !" Blake hissed in agreement to the blond's words.

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