Chapter 16 : The Four Relics are found !

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It took him a few minutes for Hadrian to explain to Raven what was happening and what was about to come but once he finished, the Leader of the Branwen Tribe accepted to help as she still blamed Ozpin for Summer's death. That and maybe because Summer might have threatened her to do so if she didn't want to be haunted by her in the future.

Of course, when Raven learned of the true story about the man and Salem... needless to say that she was both shocked and furious. Which was understandable as a handful of people actually knew the true story (Summer, Amber, Raven, Ozpin, Salem's followers) or thought that their actual world was a shadow of a greater one that had been destroyed by two arrogant Deities.

However, Raven had explained to them that it will be difficult for her to go to Atlas Academy like that. Why ? Her Semblance 'Kindred Link' sure allowed her to create portals but only to travel to people she was closed with such as Taiyang, Yang, Qrow, Vernal and Summer.

And seeing that the latter was... well... dead... Raven will have a hard time entering Atlas Academy. Hadrian had thought for a moment before an idea appeared in his mind. With Summer being a soul, she could go anywhere she wanted without trouble and once she found the location of the Relics, she could use the power gifted to her by Death to have a temporary body so Raven could use her Semblance.

Once the Leader of the Branwen Tribe would be there, and after retrieving the Relic, she would use her connection with the girl with ice blue eyes from earlier (whose name was Vernal apparently) to go back to camp ! Vernal, despite still being wary of him thanks to his little display, had accepted even if she had wanted to accompany her leader.

However, Summer voiced her worry about something : the fate of Atlas. Apparently the Relic was the only thing keeping the area from falling from the sky. After a moment of thought, Hadrian decided to give her a device that would allow its user to prevent it from happening.

The device would make sure Atlas was still flying even without the Relic ! What the device looked like ? A dagger... a curved dagger with emerald decorating it. Of course, Hadrian had menaced Raven if she tried to steal it.

Afterward, Hadrian's body became a black mist who went straight toward the Underworld to return to its 'master', leaving Summer behind so she could catch up with her old friend and then performing the mission.

Needless to say that once Thanatos went to the Land of Darkness to tell Salem the news, the Queen of Grimm had been greatly pleased with the development. In exchange, she told him how something interesting : apart of Tyrian's recent kills and Arthur's boredom, the actions of the White Fang had caught his attention.

After Sienna had ordered her followers to stop whatever they were doing for the time being, Adam Taurus had created his own branch of the White Fang and renamed it 'Blood Fang' and their emblem looked like a wolf head whose fangs were covered with fresh blood.

It was discovered that some of Sienna's own guards were members of the Blood Fang and she dealt with them accordingly... but executing them. The embodiment of Death couldn't blame her for that.

Apart of that, his clone in Vale was having the time of his life. After his discussion with Amber, he went to see Blanche and the two of them went to another date in the streets. They greatly enjoyed themselves even if they had to deal with glares and sneers of disgust from some people.

Thankfully, it was only a handful of racists people against thousands of civilized ones...

However the next day, something happened... something terrible that Harry knew would happen but was no less shocking : a massive Grimm attack ! It happened thanks to Torchwick and the Blood Fang who destroyed the barrier protecting Vale by the use of a train... filled with bombs. Thankfully,Blanche, Team RWBY, JNPR, and many others (including the teachers of Beacon along with Emerald and Mercury) all fought against the enemies.

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