Chapter 25 : Blanche's Rise

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Thanatos watched with a smile as Salem was hugging her beloved daughters. After arriving at his palace, he had found the formerly Queen of Grimm eying the Hall with wide eyes of shock, amazement and stupor. He didn't fault her for this as no one knew of such a place... until they died that it.

Earlier, he had to judge the souls of many members of the Blood Fang with Adam Taurus at its head. All of them (except for a handful) ended up in the Inferno. Those who escaped it ended up either in Oblivion (Adam) or in the Limbo.

Anyway, like he promised her, he had then used his powers to summon her daughters who, upon seeing her, instantly rushed toward her, engulfing their mother into a tight hug. Salem had cried in happiness at being held by her babies again after so long and shot her Lord a grateful look.

The embodiment of Death might be many thing (a sadistic bastard, a living powerhouse, a charmer etc) but heartless was not one of them. Thanatos, as he watched the reunion, couldn't help but wondering if one day, he will also have children to call his own...

Maybe if Blanche was willing...

But then another thought entered his head : Blanche was mortal and him... the total contrary. While he would live for another good millennium or more, the White Wolf Faunus would be lucky she got older than 90 years old...

Then he absently stared at his right hand, where a ball of light appeared in his palm. The powers of the God of Light was his to do as he fits and the same could be said from the God of Darkness ' own powers but he didn't like it. Thanks to his victory over the Twin, he was now the only living 'DIVINE' Entity on Remnant.

The embodiment of Life was no more and while he possessed the God of Light's power, Thanatos refused to have another responsibility. He was after all the embodiment of DEATH and had been since the birth of Remnant.

That and he had already too much responsibility on his shoulders...

Then as if the Universe heard his silent internal conflict, an idea sprouted in his head. What if he could insert the Power of Life and Creation in someone's body ? The God of Light was arrogant and didn't deserve the power he inherited... maybe someone should have it.

In this way, the Power of Death and Life will be equal and the Balance will be respected : an embodiment of Death (himself) and an embodiment of Life !

What of the Power of Destruction from the God of Darkness ?

Sighing to himself, Thanatos closed his eyes as he focused on the powers he received from the Purple Hothead and soon enough, he felt half of its power merging with the ball of light while the other half stay within his body.

Satisfied with his work, the embodiment of Death then dismissed the ball before looking back at Salem and her daughters.

"It is time..." he said simply in a calm tone.

The former Queen of Grimm looked back at her Lord with some pain in her eyes but nodded in acceptance as she made her way toward the Blue Door that lead to the Limbo : her new home. Her daughters looked ready to tear up and some of them looked toward him with pleading expressions on their faces.

They wanted to stay with their mother...

Thanatos stared at them for a second before sighing deeply. Those little ones were too cute for their own goods. Beside, he had been thinking about something for a while now so maybe he could kill two birds with one stone...

"Salem..." he called sternly and the woman in question, who was about to open the door, stopped dead on her track before looking at him questioningly.

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