Chapter 20 : The Battle of Beacon 2

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Vale was nothing more than a War-zone as the city was invaded by the hordes of Grimm. Atlesian Knight-200s were firing at the Dark Creatures while Hunters and Huntress (in training or not) were equally trying to prevent the Grimm to go further into the city. In the middle of this chaos, civilians were seen running away to escape the hordes of Dark Creatures.

Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow and the rest of the Beacon Staff were fighting the Grimm near Beacon Academy while Ghira Belladonna, his wife and their soldiers were protecting some citizens from the invaders.

Ironwood and his own soldiers were engaged in a terrible fight against not only the Creatures of Grimm but some BloodFang thugs who appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the crisis.

Harry, Blanche, Ruby, Amber, Penny, Emerald and the entire of Team JNPR were fighting side by side against a large group of Grimm, preventing them from going no further into the city. It was not easy feat considering the number of enemies but they stood their grounds.

From time to time, Harry would use his Semblance but the Grimm would still come back. Why ? Because it was all an act orchestrated by both Salem and Thanatos : the Grimm would not attack anymore (except Taurus and his men that it) but would still act like their normal selves.

Yes, they will attack people but won't try to kill them like they usually do.

Back to present, our hero used his right sword to strike an upcoming Boarbatusk before using his left one to behead a charging Beowolf. Once the dark Werewolf-Like Grimm died, Harry allowed a cheeky grin to grew on his face as he turned his head to stare at his comrades.

"Hey guys ! 91 already !" he shouted loudly to them with a grin before ducking as a Beowolf pounced on him.

"What ?! No fair ! I'm only on 57!" Ruby said with a pout as she used Crescent Rose to slash in two a Beowolf.

"HA ! I'M AHEAD OF YOU RED ! I'M ON 59 HERE !" Nora cried out as she slammed her hammer down, literally crushing a Boarbatusk under it.

"69 here !" Pyrrha answered from her place as she impaled a Beowolf with her javelin.

"I'm not too far away from you love ! I'm on 87 !" Blanche retorted not too far away from him with a toothy smirk as she used her blade to not only slash in two an upcoming Apathy but also beheading a charging Beowolf.

"ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A COMPETITION !" Emerald, Jaune, Penny and Ren all cried out at the same time as they defended themselves against some Creatures of Grimm.

"IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE !" Harry shouted back with a grin

"HARRY WATCH OUT !" Amber cried out while pointing at something behind him.

"Huh ?" Turning around, he came face to face with a charging Alpha Beringel !

"Ooooooh sh*t !" Our hero cried out in surprise before jumping away as the large Beringel lunged at him with a raised fist to strike him.

Thankfully, its punch missed and met ground instead of flesh. Using this moment to his advantage, Harry hit the Beringel in the face with an elbow before jumping and striking it in the face with one of his swords.

The Gorilla-like Grimm roared in pain but before it could react, our hero lunged at it before slashing its neck with a battle cry. The Alpha Beringel roared in agony before falling heavily on the ground to never wake up again. Harry, him, climbed down the large beast's back before facing his friends again with a smirk of triumph on his face.

For a few seconds nothing was said until Ruby hissed at him with slight annoyance "It still counts as one !"

"Sure Little Red Hood..." Harry retorted with a snort before quickly turning around to stab a Beowolf, whose left paw was raised in the air to strike him, right in the chest.

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