Chapter 19 : The Battle of Beacon 1

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"Greeting people of Remnant ! For those who don't know me I am Salem, the Queen of Grimm !" Salem's first words caused a wave of reactions from the crowd sitting in the Colosseum.





Harry James Potter could detect it all just by looking at the facesof the many people gathered around him. Even his friends in Team RWBY and JNRP looked at the screen with wide eyes of shock and horror... not that he could blame them as it wasn't everyday that the Queen of Grimm herself reveal herself to the world.

Many people here didn't even know of her existence and Harry could clearly imagine the face Ozpin was making at the moment... especially since he know knew that everyone on Remnant could see the pale Grimm-like woman thanks to the medias.

And he was right because everywhere in Remnant, every single person scattered all around the worldwas watching their screens with disbelief and shock... even the people of Menagerie.

Back to Amity, Salem stopped her speech to stare at everyone present with a dark grin on her face (which was surprising considering that she was not really there) before opening her mouth to resume

"Many of you are probably skeptical about my claim but I can assume you I am truly what I said ! For so many millenniums now, I was living in this world... I was there when Humanity was at it greatness and I was also there when those despicable Gods destroyed every single human on his planet for defying them !"

The Queen of Grimm took another pause as she let the crowd (and every people elsewhere watching a screen) processing what they were hearing before going on calmly

"Today you are nothing more than a mere shadow of what had been... The Headmasters, who are acting as your guardians, knew of my existence and yet they hide it from all of you !"

After those words left her lips, Harry was not surprised to literally FEEL the anger radiating from everyone present in the Colosseum . At his side, as expected, Pyrrha and Penny were looking at the screen with shock and fright while Blanche was as pale as ghost as her yellow eyes were locked on Salem with an expression of shock, denial and horror.

Harry felt sympathetic toward her as she knew nothing of the entire situation... He would have told her but he couldn't. He regretted it but it was necessary.

Emerald looked resigned while Amber was looking at the sky with a calm look on her face. After all, apart of him, Amber was among the few people (Raven, Summer, Hazel, Arthur, Taiyang, Tyrian, etc) to know what will happen and so wasn't really surprised by the sudden appearance.

Then our hero's emerald eyes returned to the screen when Salem spoke again "If I'm speaking to you now, its to let you all know what is REALLY going on ! People like Ozpin tried to hide the fact the Four Kingdoms are at the brink of WAR and yet leave everyone in the dark ! If I'm here today, it is to denounce this injustice !"

A dark grin grew on her face at the last words before she opened her mouth to add with pleasure "But alsoto tellyou somethingdear Ozpin has beenhiding from all of you! Even his inner-circle !"

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