Chapter 11 : A meeting in Vale's streets

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The next day, on top of Beacon Tower, the highest point of the Academy (as well as Vale), a meeting a taking place. Three people were in there : Glynda Goodwitch, Headmaster Ozpin and the recently awakened Fall Maiden Amber.

There were all standing in a circular room in grey-green tones below the tower's tip which housed green spheres. The chair, table, walls and ceiling all featured intricate clockwork mechanisms and at the center of it stood a really old looking desk.

Ozpin was seating on the chair, which was was facing away the main room window (that happened to be a large clock), while at his side, stood a serious looking Glynda whose eyes hadn't left the third occupant of the room. Amber was standing in front of the desk, looking a bit tired but otherwise fine. The Fall Maiden was happy to be back among the Livings as she greeted missed the sight of the blue sky or simply the pleasure to breath.

As the sun was slowly raising in the sky, Ozpin decided it was time to break the awkward silence by coughing in his fist.

"How are you Amber ?"

Glynda shot the Headmaster a secretive blank glance before shrugging. It was a poor attempt to break the ice but hey, it was better than nothing...

"Well... I still feel a bit tired but I'm glad to be back..." the Fall Maiden answered with a soft smile.

The Old Man smiled back in response, pleased by her answers, as he nodded his head in acceptance.

"That's good to hear Amber ! But I need to know : what can you tell us about your attackers ?"

The question caught the young woman off guard as she tensed visibly. She knew the Old Man was concerned for her so it was normal for him to ask her such things but she didn't wanted to answer him.

Amber, thanks to a certain embodiment of Death we all love, knew the identities of her three attackers but she couldn't bring herself to tell them. Why ? Because if she does, Ozpin will surely ask her how she knew and she promised her friend to not tell anything about him.

Thinking that she will still shaken by the attacks, Glynda shot her a sympathetic look before glaring harshly at Ozpin who quickly realized that it might be a bit too soon to ask the Fallen Maiden those questions.

"I'm sorry Amber ! Maybe its a bit too soon... But just so you know Qrow and James had both been warned of your awakening and will surely come to see you in the coming days..." the Headmaster told her with a sigh.

Amber nodded her head in understanding while internally sighing deeply. She had nothing against James Ironwood in particular but he wasn't someone she will trust easily. As about Qrow... he did saved her and it was partly thanks to him that she got to spend time with Thanatos/Harry.

"Can I return to my room now ? Unless there is more to discuss..." she inquired the two who quickly shook their heads in denial.

"Now you can go Amber... Take all the time you need to recover from this traumatic experience... But I must ask you to not leave the school for now... Not until your attackers are found..." Ozpin told her with a serious expression on his face.

The Fall Maiden nodded her head in reluctance before leaving the room. As she disappeared in the elevator, Glynda turned her head to look at Ozpin with a stern glare.

"Headmaster, I understand that you want to know who tried to steal her powers but it is too soon ! She needs to recover first !"

"I know Glynda but I can't help but feeling that something will happen soon..." Ozpin responded with a deep sigh.

The Deputy Headmistress blinked at those words before looking at him with narrowing eyes

"Do you think 'she' will try something at the Festival ?"

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