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As we arrived I was sitting in the couch
My hands continued to fidget with the paper between my fingers
The side of the paper left a cut in my finger
I took my finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding
,,r u alright rep? What is that envelope?"
My older cousin who was sitting next to me snapped it out of my fingers
,,oh why what's in it?"
She stretched out her arm
I tried to get a hold of it but she just threw it to Alia who was sitting next to the fireplace
She started opening the envelope while I panicked not knowing what was inside
As she finally got it open I was still trying to get it while the other girl grabbed me
She flipped through the pictures sitting in the opposite direction so I couldn't see what's on them
,,oh god that...uh..private..."
I panicked and tried to get rid of my cousins hands on my arms
She finally let go but alia was already trying to run away with it
,,well she's gorgeous I can see that rep"
,,pls give them to me you weren't supposed to see them!!"
,,yeah that I believe. Oh I love her underwear on this one can you ask her where it's from?"
,,uh oh oh she's really posing for that one"
I snapped the Polaroids out of her hands before she could look at all of them
,,chill I get why you're into her she's hot af"
,,yeah alia is right I mean if I was gay I would like totally be into that chick"
,,can we not-"
,,good thing is that I am Bi!"
Alia screamed
I was furious at that point and also pretty embarrassed not bc of lover but bc of me acting like a stupid teen
,,do you think she'll break up with you for me cause she's such a cutie I bet she gives wonderfull-"
They started laughing but not at me but in a funny way
,,Rep calm down we don't judge you. And we didn't see them all anyway"
Ellie spoke very mature
It made sense cause she is the oldest
I don't have siblings so my cousins and I always acted like I was theirs
It made my life so much easier with them supporting me especially with my career
,,can we just idk play a game now?"
,,hahahah you should see your face right now you're sooo red"
I gave her an sarcastic smile
,,let's play monopoly!"

We played for a while before my phone started ringing
,,Rep it's your little girlfriend"

It was a risky move
I knew that
But over the last couple months I've been collecting some of the Polaroids
I wanted to give it to her for Christmas but when she told me about her trip I thought it was the perfect opportunity
I never done this before even though my ex boyfriend always wanted me to
He pressured me to take photos or he took videos and photos of me
I've never done it tho
Only he took pictures of me
I gulped while thinking about the bad memory and suddenly I started to regret what I did
She will hate it and think that it's cringe
She'll propose break up with me
One of the pictures was veryyyy specific
I took it after we had our first night together
While she was taking a shower to get of all that sweat and stuff

I decided not to overthink and just call her

,,hey lov? R u alright?"
,,yeah I- did you open the envelope"
,,no not yet...why is it very urgent?"
,,no just pls...call me when you do"
,,ok I'll do that now go to sleep it's already late and you need to get some rest"
,,mh I love you good night"
,,I love you to sleep tight"

I hung up
I hope she will call soon...

An: heyy my dear reader
So 7k reads and I am so happy about it
also I really love this chapter and I hope so do youu🤭
I would also be glad for some comments cause the comment section is DEAD and I really loved reading through your opinions and stuff😽💓

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