Chapter 1

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It's been 4 months, 2 weeks and 23 minutes since I last talked to him. I tried not to think about it, but it was kind of hard to do so when he was everywhere. Not literally but I saw him everywhere I looked, on my phone, at school, in movies, I would see his eyes, his nose, his lips. He was just everywhere. 

My friends didn't know I was still thinking about him, I told them it was over and that I was done talking to him. But, he still haunts my dreams in the day and in the night.

I miss him so much and not talking to him hurts but talking to him hurts even more. 

I got up out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess as usual, I didn't really care these days though, I didn't have any energy so I just decided to leave it. 

I did my business and went into the kitchen to have some breakfast. I fried some eggs and bacon and ate it with some bread and a cup of ginger tea. My breakfast wasn't very fulfilling but whatever, it would have to do. 

I was finishing up cleaning when I heard my phone ring.  Annoyed, my first thought was to ignore it.  I was in no mood to have a conversation with anyone at the moment but I looked at the phone anyway. 

"Hmm", I thought. 

Why was Ashley calling me? I swear the girl cannot go a day without feeling the need to tell me about her business but then again I kind of enjoy it.

I picked up the phone and braced myself for the immediate chatter. I wasn't proven wrong when I barely finished saying hello before she cut me off.

"You will not believe what happened today? Enrico asked me out, I was just making a coffee run when I stumbled into him and we were talking about that new movie that came out and he was like do you want to go watch it together and I totally freaked out and screamed yes. 

This Saturday, I can't believe it."

"That's great Ash, I'm really happy for you". Ashley has been crushing on this guy since she started working at Forest enterprise and finally got her wish. As I praised her for finally getting her wish I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt. 

She must have noticed the change in my tone because she asked"hey babe are you okay?"

"I'll be okay, everything happens for a reason I guess", that's what I've been telling myself for the past 20 years of my life. You see, my family has labeled me as 'cursed'. Whenever I'm around, shit always seems to hit the fan. As for my life, well you can say it's a mess. 

I sighed for the 100th time today. "I'm fine"

"Did you find any jobs yet?"


I was seconds away from bursting into tears. What did I ever do to deserve such cruelty?. I lost my job and the love of my life in the span of two months. Yeah I was far from fine.

My life has been a wreck ever since I was a child. My parents knew this and tried to avoid me at all costs. By avoiding me I mean sending me to borading school for practically all my life and when I got a chance to go home they would send me away to stay with my aunt. 

I realized they treated me differently since I was 8. It was my birthday that day and despite the fact that everyone was behaving weird I woke up and ran downstairs expecting my parents to be down there welcoming me with open arms,spoiling me with gifts but instead I was greeted with an empty house and a cold plate of an egg sandwich lying on the kitchen counter.

I was eight, you would think they would atleast left someone with me at home but no, they left an underage girl child all alone at home on her birthday. 

Luckily, I matured a lot faster than most kids, so with my shoulders sunked I grabbed the sandwich, got a chair and stood on it so I could reach the microwave to heat it up then grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the fridge and had my breakfast.

I went and  sat down on the couch when I noticed a sticky note lying on the center table. I picked it up and looked at it with disappointment.

Happy birthday hunny, sorry we couldnt be there when you woke up, had some errands to run. Lock the doors and eat whatevers in the house we won't be back until tonight. 

End of note.

I was eight.

From that moment on, I realized that it was just me, myself and I. I left as soon as I turned eighteen and moved in with my boyfriend, the one that dumped me.

He had links and hooked me up with a job at a call center near his apartment. I was getting a good pay and I had a loving boyfriend what could go wrong?

Except everything did. 

I found out he was involved in some human trafficking business and was planning on selling me too but I found out before it was too late and got put under police protective services. 

I didn't have any siblings, at least that's what I'm aware of but, my parents refused to take me in. They said they didn't have the time or space to look after me.

They live in a 2 story house.

Luckily by that time I had saved up enough money to rent a small apartment and buy some food to live. 

My friend Ashley wanted me to stay with her but she lives with her friend and I didn't want to intrude, but from time to time she would buy me groceries which I really appreciate because the little money I have left is running out quickly. 

"Liv, are you still there", I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Ashley calling me.

"Hey I have to go now but I'm coming over later", she said.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me "sure", I answered and hang up the phone.

At first I refused her help but I couldn't anymore, if I did I would starve to death. All the money I have left is for the landlord after that I don't know what I'll do. 

The money is supposed to last for the next two weeks after that I'm positive he's going to throw me out if I don't pay him. 

I sighed again for who knows how many times today. This is fantasic. I finished eating my breakfast and then continued searching through the news paper for a job.

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