Chapter 17

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It was now 1pm and Mr. Blackhood was about to leave the office for a personal matter.  I hovered near his office, feigning focus on a stack of papers while my eyes were fixated on the corridor.

The distant hum of office activity masked the drumming of my anxious heart. A subdued conversation reached me as I saw him coming out with his personal assistant trailing behind him five minutes later.

Mr. Blackhood emerged, his face etched with solemnity.

"Mr.blackhood  is everything okay?" I asked, injecting a carefully measured concern into my voice.

He sighed, weariness evident. "Liv, I'm leaving now and I might be gone for a few hours. Can you hold down the fort while I'm away?"

With a reassuring smile, I nodded. "Of course, Mr. Thompson. Don't worry about anything. We've got it covered here."

"Thank you, Liv. I appreciate it." His gaze lingered briefly, gratitude and fatigue mingling. Guilt tugged at me, knowing I was about to exploit his absence. But I was too determined to let that get to me so I pushed away the feeling.

As Mr. Blackhood and his assistant walked away, I maintained my facade until he disappeared around a corner. The unguarded office door beckoned, its mysteries calling out to me.

A deep breath steadied my nerves; the clandestine dance had begun, and I was poised to navigate the delicate balance between loyalty and curiosity.

My  heart raced as I approached my boss's office, the hallway stretching like a corridor of anxiety. The door loomed ahead, and with each step, the weight of my clandestine mission pressed on my  shoulders.

I  took a deep breath, my trembling hand reaching for the doorknob. The subtle creak of the door made me wince, and I glanced around, paranoia tightening my nerves.

Ashley's words echoing in my head but I pushed them out. There was this feeling that I had, all I know is that I needed to know what he's hiding. But, there's also the possibility of me dying but what the heck I doubt my life can get worse than this.

Once inside I held my breath and hesitated, torn between curiosity and fear.

My  eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of the coveted information. Drawers lined the mahogany desk like silent sentinels, tempting me with the unknown. I tiptoed towards them, my  steps betraying the rhythm of my racing heart. As I  pulled open the first drawer, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins.

Fingers fumbled through files, careful not to make a sound. The papers rustled under my  touch, echoing in the silence of the room. My  eyes darted nervously towards the closed door, every distant murmur amplifying in my ears.

A soft beep startled me. I froze, panic gripping me. I  glanced at the computer screen on my  boss's desk – a screensaver teasing me  with its idle dance. The urge to check for emails, to delve into the digital labyrinth of information, wrestled with me caution.

I approached the computer, hesitating before gingerly tapping the mouse. The screen flickered to life, revealing a password prompt. My mind raced as I tried to recall any clues that might unlock the gateway to secrets. I bit my lip, anxiety intensifying with each failed attempt.

Time seemed to stretch, and the office walls seemed like they were closing in. The air grew heavier with the weight of my actions. My palms were clammy, and my heart threatened to betray me with its erratic beat. I forced myself to focus, combing through the desk and computer for any shred of information.

Just as desperation started to claw at my resolve, my eyes caught a folder tucked away in a corner. Its label hinted at confidentiality, and hope rekindled in my chest. With trembling hands, I opened it, revealing a group of documents that could unlock the mysteries I sought.

My hands trembled as I carefully pulled out the hidden folder, its label whispering promises of revelation. The weight of anticipation hung in the air as I opened it, scanning through the documents that laid bare the secrets Mr. Blackhood harbored.

Shock seized me as I discovered the illegal activities woven into the fabric of his dealings. The implications unfurled like a sinister tapestry, leaving me breathless and uneasy. But it was the unexpected connection that sent a chill down my spine – my parents' names embedded in the midst of it all.

A wave of conflicting emotions crashed over me. Disbelief mingled with a sense of betrayal, and the air in the room grew heavy with the weight of revelation. My mind raced, grappling with the realization that my parents, the ones that I grew up watching all these years , were entangled in this illicit web.

The images of my family clashed with the harsh reality laid out before me. Questions swirled in my mind, and the shock slowly gave way to a bitter mix of confusion and hurt.

How could they keep this from me? Was this why they hated me?

As the truth sank in, I found myself questioning everything –what the heck was going on? The room seemed to close in around me, and I was left grappling with the tangled mess of emotions and revelations that now defined my understanding of family.

As I skipped through the file I saw multiple  financial transactions, offshore accounts, and coded communications, suggesting the company is deeply involved in money laundering.

Detailed records expose a network of connections to high-profile figures, raising questions about the extent of corruption and the potential impact on the economy.

But the only question I have is why my parents are involved. I try searching around for more information but I don't find any. I pulled at my hair in frustration.

I was about to place everything back in it's place when I heard a voice.

"What do you think you're doing?"

You remember when I said it couldn't get much worse than this?, it just did.

Oh oh, what do you guys think?, let me know your predictions in the comments..

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