Chapter 18

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I slowly turned around and was shocked to see Cecile, Mr. Blackhood's personal assistant. "I-I", I said, trying to gather my thoughts.

Say something Olivia

The room felt stifling as she awaited a response, a heavy silence hanging in the air, beads of sweat started forming my forehead, I finally managed to stammer out an excuse about a misplaced file. Cecile, unimpressed, raises an eyebrow, scrutinizing the shaky explanation.

In a measured tone, she says, "Misplaced files don't usually end up in the hands of employees who have no business with them. Explain yourself, now."

Palms clammy I  fumble through a half-hearted explanation, attempting to divert suspicion. However, she's seasoned in reading people and sees through the flimsy story. The tension escalates as her gaze intensifies, demanding the truth.

"You've stumbled onto something you shouldn't have," she asserts, a hint of warning in her voice.

"This company has secrets, but they're not for your eyes. What were you hoping to find?"

"I-um", I stammered.

Grabbing the files from me she said "I won't say anything but if you mention any of this to anyone, you will not like what happens", she threatened.

I gulped and ran out of the room. I went to the bathroom and released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I placed a hand over my heart as I tried to calm it down. What just happened? I nearly died back there. If Johnathan had caught me-,  I just knew I wouldn't make it out alive.

I just hope Cecile doesn't tell on me. I don't know what I would do if that were to happen.

Taking out my phone I went to Ashley's name hovering over the call button, I contemplated whether I  should call her or not.

She did  warn me not to do anything but the question is why?, does she know about the shady business?. Who else knows?Does she know about my parents?.

Too many questions were flooding my head as I decided not to tell her. I just could not trust anyone right now. I splashed some water on my face and dried it as I went back to my desk.

I wanted to leave but I couldn't especially since Johnathan wasn't here. I looked at the time and saw that it was 1:30pm. Sighing I just went back to work. I would just have to forget everything that happened for now.

It was 4pm when Mr. Blackhood stormed into his office and slammed the door. I looked at it nervously, did he find out?.

I stared at the door but jumped when I heard him call me into his office. Pausing I  looked around, okay this is it. I'm dead aren't I?.

I'm too young, I haven't lived yet, what do I do?. I swallowed and decided to just face his wrath as I nervously opened his door. "You called sir?", I said, my voice shaking.

"Yes, you can go home now", he said without looking up. "Umm, are you firing me?"

Looking up he raised a brow at me "Why would I fire you?".

"Oh,oh, no reason, thank you sir, enjoy the rest of your evening", I said, my eyes glancing at Cecile who was seated in the corner of the room before walking out.

I quickly gathered my things and got out of the building and quickly went home.


I quickly went inside, took off my clothes and had a shower. I can't believe what happened today. My boss, my parents.

I felt like I know so little about my parents but then again I don't know anything about them. But, I didn't think they would be capable of that. But then again parents that treat their kid like that definitely have potential to do anything.

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