Hello Gotham

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[A/N: Procrastination is lovely, isn't it?]

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"Percy, why the hell do you have to move to another state?" a teenager complained loudly in the apartment hallway.

A deeper, older voice responded with a hint of amusement, "For the sake of studying, Nina. You know Gotham Uni is reputable, and the rent here is ridiculously cheap."

"But Uncle Seid could help, you know?" Nina persisted.

"Nina, no," Percy quickly dismissed the idea.

"The box is so heavy, Percy!" Nina continued her complaints.

At that moment, their new neighbor, in a furious rage, swung open the door with incredible strength. His gaze locked onto Percy's, a fiery intensity burning in his eyes. Percy braced himself, preparing for a confrontation based on the man's actions and anger. With Gotham's infamous reputation explained to him by his girlfriend, he was even more cautious.

However, as the man's eyes shifted towards Nina, Percy noticed a subtle shift in his demeanor. The rage seemed to be subdued momentarily, replaced by a more hesitant stance. Percy was drawn to the man's hands, which discreetly moved to the side, placing something down once he noticed Nina's eyes. It was a small but telling gesture that caught Percy's attention, raising his curiosity.

Percy began to observe the man, taking a moment to scan the features that made him distinct. The man had a sense of intensity and strength about him, an air of confidence that demanded attention but also danger. His dark, tousled hair gave him a rebellious look like Percy himself. There was also a white streak running through his hair, resembling Percy's own, though he highly doubted that this man had ever shouldered the weight of the sky.

Percy's sea-green eyes met the man's intense gaze, searching for the story behind it. He couldn't help but notice the flicker of hidden pain and determination in those striking blue eyes, resembling what he had seen in his sister's. The scars that adorned the man's skin, visible through his short sleeves, spoke of battles and hardships endured. It was clear that this man had faced his share of struggles.

Percy began to observe the man, taking a moment to scan the features that made him distinct. The man had a sense of intensity and strength about him, an air of confidence that demanded attention but also danger. His dark, tousled hair gave him a rebellious look like Percy himself. There was also a white streak running through his hair, resembling Percy's own, though he highly doubted that this man had ever shouldered the weight of the sky.

Percy's sea-green eyes met the man's intense gaze, searching for the story behind them. He couldn't help but notice the flicker of hidden pain and determination in those striking blue eyes, resembling what he had seen in his sister's eyes. The scars that adorned the man's skin, visible through his short sleeves, spoke of battles and hardships endured. It was clear that this man had faced his share of struggles.

At that moment, Percy felt a connection, sensing a kindred spirit in the man before him. Their experiences shaped individuals, bearing both seen and unseen scars. Percy's curiosity was piqued, wanting to know more about the story behind this neighbor who exuded a mix of fury and restraint, but then again, it wasn't his business unless something were to impact his family directly.

As the neighbor's gaze shifted towards Nina, Percy noticed how he was analyzing her. He disliked the uncomfortable feeling that his sister was in possible danger, but he dismissed it as something normal that would be happening in Gotham, being an outsider and all.

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