Chapter 23

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The following day was spent with the preparations for their stay. She took two clay pots and went on a walk to get some fresh water from the river. She had promised her father she wouldn't think about their conversation anymore, but it hadn't left her mind for a second. She doesn't understand how everyone around her know enough to warn her but not enough to actually explain what the warning is about. She promised her father but has no idea how to go about her day normally. She sat on the shore, hoping some quiet time would help her let go of this feeling.

Sagarika's pov

I couldn't breath properly. My mind was presenting every bad outcome there could be. It felt suffocating. I tried to distract myself and failed miserably. So far every person that I have met apart from my husbands has given me some sort of a cryptic warning. None of them truly point towards the issue but keep on telling me to not lose hope. I am promised some pain but the cause is unknown and so is the solution. We can't predict its arrival so we can't prevent it either. How am I supposed to live normally with these thoughts? How is it that every warning came within hours of being married? How am I so weak mentally? A few warnings and I have already lost my breath. I wonder how I'll react when I'll face it. 

As I sat there trying to focus on my breathing ,I felt a presence behind me.

"Everyone is looking for you, Sagarika.", smiled Nakul. He hadn't had the time to talk to you alone and was relieved to finally have it. As he sat next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disappear and worry you all.", I whisper. "Is everything okay?", he asked. I didn't want to ruin his mood as well, so I chose to be vague while explain everything. Thankfully, he understood my reluctance to share anymore and chose not to press the issue any further. "While I understand that everyone around was trying to protect me and guide me, these warnings have done nothing but turned my feelings bitter. There hasn't been a second when their words leave my mind. How can I be calm and composed when I am promised misfortune?", I sigh. Finally, I gathered the courage and looked Nakul in the eyes, admitting the thought that plagued my mind, "I can't help but wonder if our marriage would be the cause of this misfortune. I can't bear to think that I would be the one causing everyone pain. I wonder if we could have avoided this by...",I couldn't finish the sentence, my voice cracking halfway. He intertwined our hands, and spoke softly," It is true that you walked into our lives like a tornado, turning everything upside down, but that tornado has brought nothing but joy and happiness in our lives. You can go around asking anyone in our family and they would reply the same. Our marriage may be an unusual one but it is not a mistake. I swear no matter what, you will be our priority." I smiled at him and told him to go first, I'll join them a few seconds later. As walked away I thought about our situation. His words soothed me enough to push my woes in the back of mind. This visit was to fulfil the rituals and I should focus on that instead of things that may or may not happen. 

If something happens I have enough people in my life who will guide me in the right direction and stand by my side if the it gets difficult. With this thought I got up and walked towards our hut. With the pots in walked towards Sehdev. "Where are the others? ",I asked him ,looking around the area. "They all have left to inspect the area. We were told that it had been a long time since anyone stayed in this part of the jungle. It would be safer to inspect the area around our huts, to help secure the area.", he replied. We walked inside the hut and started working. Sehdev brought and cleaned the mats and I placed the water pots in the corner and cleaned the room. I then asked the helpers to place the food items in the kitchen area. Since we weren't really staying for that long, there wasn't much to store. Finally Sehdev and I sat down and prepared for the rituals for tonight. I washed the clay diyas and then soaked them oil. As I was preparing the wicks for the lamps another thought entered my mind. 

Third person pov

Sagarika couldn't think of the right words with which she could ask her question and not make it awkward. She sat for a while, contemplating, and Sehdev sat behind her, watching her. She was so deep in thought that she had no idea that her husband had stopped talking to her and was just waiting for her. Finally he sighed, "What is it?", snapping her out of her deep thoughts. She looked at him with wide eyes," Ah............uh.......I wanted to ask about the.......sleeping arrangement?" She winced at her own words, it would've been better to keep the mouth shut. Sehdev chuckled," We talked about it. We have built two huts. You and Jyeshth will stay in one and the rest of us in the other." I nodded, grateful that this was already talked about without me. My presence would have made things awkward for sure. This was another thing I hadn't thought about. 

My year with Karna has begun. I made a mental note to speak with him and got back to working. As the sun began to set, the brothers arrived one by one. Sagarika walked outside and invited the brothers inside. She had already completed her part of ritual, by lighting the lamp and putting enough oil to last the entire night. Now the newly wed could end their fast. As they all sat down, Sagarika and Sehdev served everyone. As the seven ate their dinner, they couldn't help but feel nostalgic. With the teasing, the laughter and the happiness in the air, it truly felt as if they had gone back in time. 


I have not checked it for errors but will update again. 

Happy reading. <3

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