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💿 People - Agust D


"Now that we're living together, no more secrets between us,"
Taehyung said, putting the last box down on top of the empty kitchen counter, looking exhausted. He was so tired of everyone keeping things from him and didn't want to start this new chapter of life with lies keeping them apart.

Jeongguk sighed and thought about it for a second, contemplating whether it was a good idea to talk about it because saying it out aloud made it real.

"You remember the two toothbrushes in my bathroom?"

As soon as he heard those words, Taehyung's eyes widened comically. He gripped the edge of the kitchen counter as if he was holding onto his sanity.

"I was right?"

"Well, kind of,"
Jeongguk sheepishly responded, nervously scratching his neck. They weren't in a relationship so was he really seeing someone? Jeongguk had a lot of bottled-up emotions and feelings and maybe it was time to talk about them. When he looked at Taehyung's reaction, he knew that he was waiting for him to elaborate further.
So he sighed once again and then continued to talk,
"There has been someone in my life that I've been spending a lot of time within the past few weeks and-"

"You're fucking?"
Taehyung asked, he was so done with rephrasing shit. Jeongguk chuckled awkwardly and looked down at the tiled floor. For the sake of his own humanity, he decided to ignore this topic for now and just went on.

"Uhm anyway, I kind of feel different about them now than I did when we first started to hang out"

"To fuck,"
Taehyung tried again, not liking the way 'hang out' rolled off the other's tongue. Also maybe to annoy the other a bit.

"Shut up," Jeongguk groaned, running one hand through his hair. The other boy just bursted out laughing at this.

"So you like him, I think I got that now" Taehyung stated after calming down from his laughing session, leaving no room for doubt.

Instead of answering or reacting in any kind of way, Jeongguk blankly stared at his best friend. He saw his life flash in front of his eyes.
Did Taehyung know it was Jimin?

"You don't know it's a him,"
Jeongguk argued, looking at him seriously. He couldn't know. How would he? Okay, they weren't exactly careful, especially in the past two weeks, but Taehyung would've confronted them if he knew.

"It was a guess but considering your reaction I'm probably right,"
Taehyung smirked while sitting down on a barstool, still facing him.
Jeongguk didn't try to deny it.
He shouldn't feel this relieved but Taehyung not knowing who it was made it easier to talk about. Knowing the gender wouldn't change much.

"I don't know if I like him. I just know that I need him around. Can't live without him and all that shit. I know it sounds stupid,"
Jeongguk added, feeling a bit embarrassed about it. He sounded ridiculous, like a hopeless romantic that just met his first love. Maybe it was true.

"You sound like you're addicted or sumn"

When Jeongguk heard this, he raised his hand as if he were to hit him even though there was a fair distance between them.

Maybe Taehyung was right.
Sometimes Jeongguk felt like he actually was.

Out of nowhere, Taehyung suddenly asked a question,
"Do I know him?"

While asking, Taehyung was looking up at him through the strands of his hair. It was now faded into a mint color, almost white, but of course, he rocked that style like any other.

"Oh I'm so not telling you,"
Jeongguk immediately groaned and walked over to some boxes to distract from the dangerous question. However, his best friend insisted,
"Dumbass, I'm your bestie"

"It's not something I can just tell you,"
he muttered in response, looking down at his hands. He was right. It was something that should be discussed with Jimin first, especially since Taehyung was his brother.

"Oh my- don't tell me you're hooking up with an idol,"
the boy suddenly shouted, one hand held in front of his mouth out of excitement.

"What? No, what the fuck, Taehyung,"
Jeongguk shouted back at his best friend. The latter even jumped at his fantasy being crumbled. Before he could respond, Jeongguk continued,
"Besides, there's other things that make it a lot more complicated"

For example, this being a fucking no-feelings-attached agreement with me starting to catch feelings.

Only thinking about it, made him want to pull his hair out.
Especially since Jimin was giving mixed signals, kind of like push and pull.

"Do you think I'm good enough to be in a relationship?"
he blurted out. It wasn't even his intention to ask this.
When he looked at Taehyung, he saw that the other had stopped to unpack just to look at him with a serious and judging glare, followed by a lecturing

Before Taehyung could lecture him any further, he continued in a low voice,
"I think I like someone I'm not supposed to like"

"You think?"
he questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, at this point I don't even know anymore. I'm so confused,"
Jeongguk whined as he anxiously went through his hair with his hand.
Taehyung calmly hummed in response as he went back to move stuff around in the boxes.
After a few minutes of silence, Jeongguk spoke up once again,
"Uhm, Tae"


"It's about Jimin,"
he paused for a second. Was it a good idea to ask Taehyung something like this? But now it was too late to back out.
"Does he really hate me that much?"

When the other boy heard this he sighed however, he didn't stop rummaging through the boxes.
"You know Jimin. I don't think he ever really could"

Jeongguk chuckled,
"Trust me, he did"

"Well yeah, because you're annoying,"
the other bit back in a humorous way.

"Okay, wow, thank you,"
Jeongguk leaned back, pretending to be baffled by his best friend's comment.

Taehyung chuckled for a good second before saying with a discreet smile on his face,
"No, but really, I think you wouldn't be asking this question if he still hated you, hm?"


gosh I'm so horrible at updating nowadays but I hope you can still enjoy this story!
I actually didn't think it would take me so long to finish it but look where we are now. I guess it's gonna be 60 chapters? Oh lord ㅠㅠ.
Anyways, here you can see that Jeongguk is starting to open up about his (obvious af) feelings and Taehyung is being as oblivious as ever.
See you next time,
love yall<3

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