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💿 HONEY (ARE U COMING?) - Måneskin


As soon as Jimin had stepped out of this apartment, his previously neutral expression immediately dropped. When the doors of the elevator closed, he leaned against the mirror wall and closed his eyes to keep it together until he at least left the building. This seemed to be the longest elevator ride he had ever been on. It felt like an eternity until the sudden ping of the elevator let him know that he had arrived on the ground floor. He basically stormed out of the building. Hurrying away from this place, Jimin must've looked like a mad man to everyone who saw him.

When he felt a drop of water hit the bridge of his nose, he looked up from the ground and held his hands out, palms facing upwards to see if it had started raining. In no time, it started pouring down.

He felt like his life was a joke. Like even mother nature wanted to remind him that his day was fucking awful.

He thought that it was best for him to distract himself from the avid pain in his chest.
So when one tear after another started to roll down his cheeks, he decided to take the detour through the park on campus, not wanting to return to his dorm just now. He didn't even care that his clothes were slowly getting drenched in the rain. Everyone would stare at him walking down the hallway in his state and he didn't want anyone talking about him. So staying in the rain it was.

To his luck, no one was around.

Well, that was until someone suddenly called his name.

Out of any person, it had to be Taehyung who was standing in front of him, holding an umbrella in his hand.

Oh, it couldn't get any worse.

He quickly looked into the other direction to descretely wipe away a few stray tears -even though the rain probably concealed them anyway- before actually facing his brother with a blank look on his face.
"Hm? Oh, Tae. Hi"

"Where are you headed at?"
Taehyung asked curiously. He himself was heading back to his apartment after having found the books he needed for his essay and studied a bit  and was surprised to cross paths with his brother because he knew for a fact that Jimin didn't have any lectures today. It didn't take long for him to realize that something was off.

"I'm going home. I was at your apartment to talk to Jeongguk,"
Jimin responded truthfully even though his tone lacked enthusiasm or any sign of liveliness.

He was met with surprise because Taehyung just got back from the library and didn't know about Jimin's visit. He decided to keep an optimistic mindset and asked cheerfully as he took some steps forward,
"Really? You two finally figured it out?"

Don't cry, Jimin.

His mouth tightened into a thin line as he inhaled and exhaled deeply a few times through his nose. Taehyung seeming happy made it only worse for him. But he didn't want to hide things from his brother anymore so he simply told him,
"I ended it"

"You did what,"
Taehyung's expression suddenly turned very serious. It sounded like a accusation the way he said it.

"I ended it. With Jeongguk"

It all happened very fast. Taehyung dragged him to a more secluded part of the park by his arm. Jimin wanted to protest at first but decided to just let him do it. There wasn't a single ounce of resilience left in his body anyway.

"No, you did not,"
Taehyung said as he came to a halt. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, I did"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Tae, we've talked about this before-"

"That's such bullshit. Jimin, you love him, I'm not dumb"

"I like him, that's different"

There was no point in trying to get him to say it even though it was so obvious to everyone who had seen them together at least once.

"You never even tried to ask him how he feels, are you this insensitive?"
Jimin was getting frustrated, his eyes getting teary once again but he tried to blink them away. He just couldn't understand Taehyung's upset reaction. So he started to get riled up himself.

"It was the only condition we had and i broke it. I wasn't supposed to like him, why don't you get it?"

Taehyung mirrored his energy as he spoke up louder than before while gesturing with his hand that wasn't occupied,
"For fucks sake, Jimin. You two are humans, you can't just simply ignore your feelings, it doesn't work like that!"

"Why are you so mad?"
Jimin asked out of frustration. Because he knew Taehyung was right but he also knew that if it was his brother in that situation he wouldn't react so irritated and insensitive. He was also starting to get a bit uncomfortable to be discussing this in public, in the rain, even though no one was around as of now.

"Because how can you be so cruel? I don't get it"

Jimin chuckled bitterly at his brother's words. It fucking hurt. He didn't try to hold back his tears anymore. It was useless anyway.
"Cruel? Oh, wow. He doesn't even like me back, me ending it won't hurt him"

Taehyung still wasn't calming down as he groaned at Jimin's words. It was ten times more frustrating because he knew for a fact that Jeongguk liked him back and Jimin was too oblivious to see it.
"You don't know that. And it's so cruel and so, so fucked up because you could've chosen any other day. Why did it have to be today?"

"What do you mean?"
Jimin shouted at this point because he was so clueless and Taehyung's crypticness didn't help at all. Clueless as to why Taehyung was so angry at him. Clueless because he called him cruel. Clueless because he didn't know what day it was today.

"Today is his grandpa's death anniversary"


Jimin froze.

He blinked once, twice.

"I didn't-"


Internally, Jimin was full on panicking, even though you couldn't tell by looking at him. Jeongguk had been Jimin's intimate, emotional support for the past months and vice versa. Taking that stability away on such a day was brutal.

So many things were flooding his mind. He didn't want Jeongguk to do some stupid shit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit, I need to go"


Hello my dear readers,
as you can see I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger once again. Let's just hope that it won't take me as long as the last time to upload the next chapter AHAH.
There aren't many chapters left to be honest, I'm guessing it's gonna be like 3 to 4 but we will see how it will go.
It's kinda bittersweet that this story is gonna end soon as it is my first English story.
I'm so thankful for the support I've gotten over the past year (after being gone for like 1½💀) and it just shows me that what I'm doing here is worth it.
I purple yall! <33

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