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Ayo back with his ex?

The gossip social media headlines read once again. There was a video of him and photos of him at a local club after his performance the night before with Aaira next to him. Aaira just happened to be there and did not come with him but the social page made it seem like it was more than a coincidental meeting. He usually did not care for what the gossip pages would say but his marriage was already strained because of his decision making, this would probably anger Nefertiti further.

He was already having a hard time getting her to give him the chance to speak to her and beg for forgiveness, she would probably never give him the chance now.

" This Nefertiti chick knew what she was getting herself into when she dated that  abusive womaniser Ayo."

One had left a comment under the post. People need to let the past go, thought Ayo. It was one time, he apologised to his then ex, friends and family and Fahd but there were still people who brought up his past to try justify why he should be irrelevant in the celebrity world.

" To think she was defending him over rape and violence allegations for him to turn and not support her in her time of need."

Another commented. Ayo felt bad about his selfish hastened reaction to Nefertiti's allegations of patient abuse and had seemingly shut him out of her life completely.

Going through the comments, some feeling sorry for Nefertiti, others happy that he was back with the mother of his second child and others bashing Nefertiti for being with him and others still accusing her of breaking his and Aaira's relationship, when he had already explained months back that Nefertiti was not the cause of their breakup, he decided to write down, record and release a song dedicated to her for him not being the supportive husband he had promised when they secretly got married. Since she would not take is calls or reply to his texts, she would definitely hear this song.

He pulled out his phone, the weight of the situation heavy on his chest. As he opened his notes app to jot down his thoughts, he was flooded with memories of Nefertiti—her laughter, her resilient spirit, and the way she'd always believed in him even during his darkest moments. The pain in his chest deepened when he thought about how he let her down.

"How could I have been so selfish?"

he muttered to himself, anger mixing with regret. Each comment on the post seemed to twist the knife deeper. The whispers from the past dogged him like a shadow, a constant reminder of his relapse into old habits, but he couldn't let that define him. Not anymore. After brushing his teeth with a powdered sugar like substance to calm him, He began to write:

*"I was blinded by my pride, thought I could have it all, 
But in turning my back, I let you take the fall. 
You stood by me in storms, fought the world for my name, 
While I played the fool, it crushed my heart with shame..."*

It was cathartic, pouring his emotions into words. Yet, he knew that a song wouldn't change the things he had done, or how she felt about him now. This was more than just an apology; it was an acknowledgment of his shortcomings and a plea for forgiveness. He wanted her to hear his heart laid bare—to understand that, despite all his flaws, he still loved her fiercely.

He recorded the first verse, letting the melody flow through him. The notes danced in the air around him, filled with the hope of reconciliation. With each line, he imagined Nefertiti listening, the walls she had built around her heart slowly crumbling with each heartfelt note. As he crafted the chorus, he felt a glimmer of hope:

*"I know the past has scars, I know you're hurt and mad, 
But let me in once more, I'll show you I can change. 
For every tear you've cried, I promise I can't deny, 
You are my heart, my soul, for you I'll rearrange..."*

Finishing the song, Ayo laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He knew Nefertiti had every right to be angry. He couldn't erase the past, but he could strive to be better—a man worthy of her love and trust.

After editing the track, he sat on the edge of the couch and stared at his screen, debating whether to release it publicly or send it directly to Nefertiti. Would she feel the raw honesty behind his words, or would she dismiss it as another publicity stunt? He couldn't take that chance. Finally, he decided to send her a message along with the song, his heart racing.

"Nefertiti, I know you're not ready to hear from me. I understand why—I've hurt you but this song... it's everything I wish I'd said back when you needed me. Please listen."

He pressed send, anxiety swirling in his stomach. After hitting send, he took a deep breath and reminded himself that the ball was now in her court. All he could do was wait and hope that somewhere within her heart, a small part still believed in them. As he leaned back, the silence of the room enveloped him. Would she listen? Would she even care? The uncertainty hung in the air as he crossed his fingers, hoping for a glimmer of a response.

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