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Ayo noticed his wife's phone ringing on the side table, Nefertiti was in the shower getting ready for their date. He checked the screen to find it was an unsaved number. Curious and thinking it might be an important call, he answered  the call.

" Hey beautiful, care to meet me for lunch?"

A deep unfamiliar male voice spoke on the other end of the call.

" Who's this?"

There was a short pauses before the voice responded.

" This is Julio, Nefertiti's labour attorney. Who am I speaking to?"

Ayo smirked.

" Where's your professionalism?"

Julio chuckled on the other end, an irritated Ayo wondered what was amusing.

" This must be Ayo. I wanted to celebrate that she's been found not guilty, which is what I've been working on. Unlike you."

Ayo kissed his teeth.

" Thanks for the news, I'll tell her when she gets out of their shower."

" She forgave you."

Julio mumbled

" She's my wife after all."

Ayo put emphasis on wife. Julio chuckled on the other end of the line, seemingly unfazed by Ayo's warning.

"Scared that I could take her from you, scared of real competition?"

Ayo's grip on the phone tightened, his heart racing as Julio's words ignited a surge of anger and protectiveness.

"This isn't a game, Julio,"

Ayo replied, his voice low and steady.

"Nefertiti is my wife. You might have won her a case, but that doesn't give you the right to make advances on her."

"Oh come on,"

Julio retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

" women appreciate a man who understands their worth. If you still don't see that, maybe you didn't deserve her in the first place."

Ayo's blood boiled.

"Maybe you should stick to the law and leave personal matters to us."

A long silence followed, filled only by the bustle of what Ayo could only assume was Julio's office. The laughter and chatter around him felt like a distant reminder of a world that was moving on while Ayo's heart felt anchored in confusion.

"Look, Ayo,"

Julio finally said, his voice lower, more serious.

" Nefertiti's been through a lot. She needed someone to fight for her, to be on her side when you weren't. All I'm saying is, tread carefully. If she feels like she can't count on you, I'll be here."

Ayo felt the walls closing in. Trust issues, jealousy, and unresolved feelings collided in his mind.

" She'll never feel that way again. So stick to being a lawyer and stop trying to sleep with my wife."

" Oh Ayo, I want to do more than just sleep with her,"

Julio taunted.

" I want to be everything you haven't been to her lately."

Ayo's heart raced, each word driving a wedge deeper into his gut. The sheer audacity of Julio's taunts infuriated him further. How could a man, even if he was a lawyer, be so disrespectful?

"Listen, Julio,"

Ayo said, refusing to back down.

"You might think you've leaped into some romantic role, but you're a lawyer whose job was to defend her. That does not make you her savior, and it certainly doesn't make you a contender in her heart."

Julio's laughter echoed in Ayo's ear, mocking and cold.

"Save your breath, Ayo. You're fighting a losing battle. You should've held her close while you had the chance."

With those words, Ayo felt a rush of desperation. He had made mistakes, but confronting Julio only reminded him of how fragile their reconciliation was.

"I'll be waiting. Just remember, every time she gives you a second chance, she's holding her breath, hoping you can change."

with that, Julio hung up, leaving Ayo staring at the phone, uncertain of what to do next. His heart pounded in his chest, each thump a reminder of his fears. When Nefertiti finally emerged from the shower, looking radiant and blissfully unaware of the clash that had just taken place, Ayo felt a mix of anger and love. She was still his wife, and he remembered all the reasons he fell in love with her.

" I thought I heard you talking?"

Ayo quickly put on a smile, trying to mask the turmoil churning inside him. He had to think of something to say that wouldn't ruin the mood for their long-awaited date.

"Oh, just a wrong number,"

he said casually, waving his hand dismissively.
Nefertiti raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

"A wrong number? You sounded a little intense for just a wrong number."

Ayo shrugged, stepping closer to her.

"It was nothing, really. Just some guy trying to sell me something. You know how these telemarketers can be."

His heart raced as he spoke, the weight of deception sitting heavy on his conscience. Nefertiti laughed, but there was an edge of concern in her eyes.

"You know, I love that you're trying to be laid-back about things, but you don't have to hide stuff from me."

"I promise, nothing is wrong."

He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes.

"You're radiant tonight, by the way."

"Thanks! I just wanted to look special for our date,"

she said, blushing slightly, the tension in her voice easing.

"We have to make this night memorable,"

Ayo said, trying to shift the focus away from the call. He stepped back, admiring her outfit. Nefertiti was wearing a simple yet elegant dress that showcased her figure perfectly. It made his heart swell with love, but the sting of Julio's taunts still lingered.

As they prepared to leave, Ayo's mind raced with thoughts of the phone call and the implications it carried. He couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity that had taken root in him, fueled by Julio's mocking insinuations.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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