223. Fearing Failure

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You are allowed to be wrong
To make mistakes
To blunder
To mess up
You are allowed to be imperfect
But you aren't permitted to let that stop you
Prevent you from growing
Deafen you from critiques
Halt any chance of correcting error
Fixing faults
Not failing again in the future
The fear of failure
Often causes it
A paradox most unfortunate
So scared of being wrong
Not being able to look back to see
Doing worse because you never corrected
A cycle hard to break from
A cycle you must leave
Failing once on one thing
Does not mean there is no chance of success
It means you were wrong once
One single time
On one single thing
Don't be defined by failure
Learn from it
Get unstuck from the web of self doubt
It isn't warranted
The idea itself is incorrect
You are allowed to be wrong
As long as you grow from it

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