277. Listen To The Earth

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It is only while mindlessly wandering
That one finds what they most desired
Not by a guiding torch of fire
But light from the stars that guide the path
Help that comes not from the hand of man
I don't seek the guidance light of Heaven
I seek higher through the skies into space
Like rivers blood flows through arteries and veins
Like the mothers who birthed us
Fighting Mother Nature will do no one any good
The preserving nature of ice
Holding deep within it our concept of time
History hidden in nature
Frozen or fossilized assumed observed by blind eyes
The blind eyes of man who thinks he sees
The deaf ears of man who thinks he listens
Man men they are no good at guiding
They help not when seeking truth
Nature are we nature we question our place in it
Fight it so horridly so ungraceful and cruel
You don't find a path made for you
Animals are careful not to trample path
You make a path while wandering
While exploring the woods and hiding from night
Forget the leading lantern of foolish man
Let nature be my ever-present guiding light

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