208. The Heart Of The Woods

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Walking aimlessly through the forest
In the heart of the trees an oppressing darkness
Walk long enough and there's a clearing
The beaming of sun rays
A feeling that was so long lost
Then into the darkness again
Like a sick deer forced to go in circles
Wandering the heart of the woods
Should have been out by now
Should be back in the light
The sun the brightness the warmth
Pick a path and walk straight ahead
Eventually you'll leave
Maybe the wanderer doesn't want to leave
Maybe the dark is comforting
Hidden in the darkness is the wanderer
Only occasionally seen in a clearing
In the heart of the woods
The cold dark damp woods
Alone except for animals
Hungry bears and sick deer
The birds aren't even this deep
Trees so thick with foliage flowers can't grow
An endless disturbed circle of mud
One clearing this far in the forest
Only clear for a cave
Wander a wide circle
Sleep in a cave
Bask in the warm sun
Walk another wide long circle
Sometimes it takes a week to get back to the clearing
Sometimes it takes a month
An adventurer trapped in the woods
One day there will be bones
On the ground
Right over a well worn trail
In the darkness
The bones will rest
Right before the clearing
Right before the sun

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