294. I Twice Saw A Dog

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Yesterday I saw a dog
Big and bright and happy
Playing in it's yard
Chasing squirrels and barking at cats
And cars and people
Today I saw the dog again
It only made one noise
A dog scream that could curdle blood
A horrifying noise
The dog in the back yard
Had gotten out
And chased the cats and squirrels
And the people
And the cars
And that was its mistake
A sharp squeal of tires
A pressed down horn
A poor dog's body torn
A howl of absolute pain
A startling silence
A car that drove away
Wait didn't drive away
But parked in the driveway
Yesterday I saw a dog
Neither knowing it was its final full day
I saw the dog again today
The family must wish I didn't
The dog had an owner
A family with a little girl
A family that had a car
With squealing tires
And a long long horn
And a dog that got torn
By the car they drove
The little girl was in the car
She cried and cried and cried
The mother screamed
The father merely stood
There was nothing anyone could
Possibly do for the dog or the girl
Who saw her poor pet die
And standing on her sidewalk
Is the exact same very guy
Who went to the big dog's gated fence
And opened up the lock
And beckoned out the dog
Yesterday I saw a dog
I saw the dog again today
And I won't see it tomorrow

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