219. Listen To Me Girl

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Forget it
It wasn't important
It ain't going to kill you
Don't let that mind of yours
Think otherwise
Forget it
Don't stop
Not for one failure
That wasn't a sign to give up
This isn't a paved road
There are no signs here
Motivation is what failure should be
Do better next time
Make sure there is a next time
Giving up is pathetic
You ain't pathetic are you
Tail tucked between legs
Head low down
Looking at the ground
Sorry ass
Going to sit in suffering forever
Aren't you
Your legs work fine bitch
Just move
Mud isn't easy to move through
But you still shouldn't get stuck
You aren't out of luck
Luck isn't given out
It's earned
The lucky are lucky
Because they made it
Will you make it
Not very long
Not like this
Pick up your chin
Listen to the ones you claim to agree with
Motivation doesn't motivate
If you think and never act
Get together
Finish what you start
And when you mess something up
I better not catch you
Falling apart

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