𝟐𝟎. 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬

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We silently got home and moved to our bedroom. Mom, dad, di, jiju and Vihaan will come a bit later. We four got into his bedroom.

I could feel his strong and intense gazes on my back, but I didn't entertain it. I continued changing Ansh's outfit, followed by Pihu's. I got them in comfy outfits and as I was changing, they were wide awake. They slept in the car, but anyway!

I carried Pihu and patted her back while paced all over the room, ignoring her father. Ansh rapidly tried to move towards me on the bed and was about to fall off the bed-

I was gonna scream!!!

But Aarush saved him and I got my soul inside my body!

I rapidly moved to him and hugged him. He would have got hurt by now if his father wouldn't have been on time.

I could still feel Aarush's gaze on me, but tf? Why now? My every single pain is adding to my frustration now. But keep calm, kids are here. First make them sleep and then look for yourself.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Ansh clinged onto me pushing Pihu, and she screamed in her baby voice and notched his face! He began crying and hit her.

I just want to sleep right away and kids are making it difficult for me. I just want to escape Aarush's sight.

Aarush made an effort and forwarded his hands to pick Pihu from me. The moment he touched Pihu's body our skin brushed against each other. I uplifted my eyelashes, and our gaze met.

His eyes depicted emotions, which I am not interested in reading. I really don't want to feel anything for him. Not even anger. I don't want to waste my emotions on him. I jerked my arm and pacified Priyansh to sleep, while he patted Pihu and made her sleep.

While I placed my Ansh in the cot, I kissed his cheeks followed by Pihu's and covered them with blankets.

Only they are the reason I'm living.
I'm glad they are content.

I turned and went to the threshold of his bedroom but I heard a word. His word.

"Sorry" he apologized. I didn't even turn as my back was facing him.

Why was he apologizing now?

I made my way straight to my bedroom, and locked the door. I was about to change but my phone rang. I checked it.


Much needed person to talk to!

I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said


"What happened? You never call me this late" I was worried if anything wrong had happened to him.

"No no, I'm all good. I reached home and I wanted to talk to you"

"Umm, say?" I was unsure of what he wants to talk about

"About you"

"Me?" I asked

"Yeah, you can express your feelings to me. You'll feel lighter"

"I think you should sleep otherwise night will pass by listening to me" I tried to joke but failed miserably

"I would still listen to you, Vaani. You can talk to me about anything you know. Your husband being bitchy, your in-laws being mean, your parents being the same as they were etc etc" He tried to joke. I can tell that from his tone. But his attempt was successful in making me smile.

That's what bestfriends are!

"Okay, so there's one thing I want to tell you Mr. Bestfriend"

"Tell me"

"Aarush thinks you like me"


"Is it true?"

"Uh- what- you believed him?"

"No, I straight away told him that you are a friend to me and he was wrong. He will always be wrong about this, I am sure. How can you have feelings about me? I really didn't like it when he said this kinda stuff about us"

" Y-yeah I mean, how could he.."

"Wait, you really don't like me na?" I asked as I found his voice going a bit dry

"No, Yuvaani. I don't. Also, apan dost hi badhiya hai" he said enthusiastically. Now I believed him. Sanskar isn't Sanskar without enthusiasm.

"But Yuvaani, how are you? Tara told me you were crying"

"Ah that! Leave it, long story ahead"

"I have plenty of time, you should tell me"

"Don't you have to go to the office tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but you can tell"

And our bickering continued for two to three minutes I guess and I gave up and told him the matter.

It was like I was peeling my wounds myself and applying chili powder to it.

But okay, let it hurt till it won't hurt anymore. How far it will hurt, right?

I felt emotional while telling him, thinking of how my day went. I felt my eyes watery and I cut the call after bidding him bye. I got changed and went to bed.

Fresh set of tears were felt rolling down my cheeks and I sobbed hard. I want to let it go. I should vent out these feelings rather than suppressing them within.

The tears came to the tip of my nose and I started feeling my nose runny. My heart felt heavy, as if something kept gripping it with something hard and I can't do anything but cry.

God!! Why me!?

Why that's always me who compromises? What about my happiness? You don't care for me, God. You really don't. I don't want to trust you anymore. Whenever I build hope, you always make something happen that my hopes crashes.

I just don't trust you anymore.
You just don't consider me as a living being, don't you?

"Yuvaani? Are you crying? Let me in-"

Aarush? At this time?

What's the time?

I glanced at the clock that read two nineteen am.

I just went to the switch off and got to my bed again.

"Yuvaani I am sorry" I heard Aarush's voice again.

"Let me sleep, Aarush!" I said closed my ears.

Few minutes later, I felt no voices from his side and I slept.

God, I really don't know what you have written in my destiny!

Next morning when I moved to his room to freshen up, I didn't see him there. I thanked the Universe mentally for him not being there! So I quickly brushed my teeth and went to my almirah to fetch out clothes as I was going for a bath now.

Surprisingly I saw something else in it.

I bouquet of roses, having a card saying
"I'm genuinely sorry"

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