𝟒𝟎. 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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It has been an hour I am at my parents'. I decided to call Sanskar and check on him.

It has been a while since we last talked!

I dialed Sanskar's number and within two rings he picked up. "Hey, how have you been?" he was the first to speak with his everlasting cheerful voice, the voice that actually tells me that everything can be okay, we just need to find a way for it.

"Hey! I was missing you, where are you? Can we meet now?" I asked him placing my phone between my ear and my shoulder and parting away both the babies as they were literally slapping each other! They looked at me and I showed them my wide eyes, so they can be scared of me. But these naughty kids just spared me a glance and again began attacking one another!

Maa ke gusse ki kadar hi nahi hai!

[ They aren't afraid of me anymore? ]

"I'm telling you, if you both did this one more time, I'll ask papa to scold you!" I ordered them with my fake angry tone. As soon as they heard Papa from my mouth they looked up at me and came crawling at me. They stood and tried to snatch my phone saying papa, papa!

Aren't they extra mature by their age?

They know using phone one can talk to another!

Yeah, no doubt! Ansh knows how to receive a call. "Ye papa nahi hai, Sanskar uncle se baat karoge?" I asked them and they didn't understand anything I guess. Pihu just peacefully sat on my lap and hugged me. I hugged her back, caressing her back.

[ I ain't talking to your dad, this is Sanskar uncle you wanna talk? ]

"Seems like your babies are showering love on you" I heard Sanskar's playful glint in his tone.

"Yeah, yeah! You didn't answer my question? Can you meet me now?"

"Yes, I can. But where?"

"Come to my place"

"Hm? Your husband will be there-"

"Parents' place I mean. I'm here"

"Okay, see you soon"

"Bye" I said and cut the phone. Till the time Sanskar arrives I decided to feed them. I took this two little devils to my room and placed them on the bed. I locked the door and breastfed them. They were looking at me and I simply covered us with my dupatta. They found a new thing to play with and always pulled down the dupatta when I placed it over them! I securely held their heads and attached them to my body again. I love this sight. Them loving me, wanting me, having me as their own mother.

I'll cherish this forever!

Soon they were done with it and I wiped their mouth with their napkins, and checked their diapers. All good till now. I placed them on the bed and patted them to sleep. But it seemed like they didn't want to sleep anytime soon. They gazed the ceiling and the surrounding with their doe eyes and were observing everything. He was right when he said new environment can hinder their daily routine.

Nevermind, I made them sit and looked towards my room. It is just the same as I left it. Not a single thing is displaced or is missing. I took them and placed them on my study table. "See, when Mumma was a small girl she used to study on this table" I gestured them with my hand and they saw in the direction of it.

Very good, you are too understanding babies!

They looked at everything I showed them. Whether its my pen stand or my cupboard! I have a big mirror in my room which is like an oblique object attached between the floor and the wall. I placed them in front of them and sat with them. We talked much in our baby language, and I guess they might be tired by now, but I was wrong. I heard the door bell and received it.

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