Chapter 4

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Two days after that, Trevor and I started dating. We were so in love. And we were inseperable. We didn't tell anyone about what happened on the day he broke up with Jackie, it would cause too much drama, and we didn't want anymore drama.

 "Hey babe" said Trevor as he hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I giggled and leaned into him. "Hi Trev" we could hear whispers from the people next to us. I turned my head to see that Jackie, Lindsay and some other girls where whispering while looking at me and Trevor. "Do you want something?" I said. Lindsay gave me the dirties look ever, "No we don't Acunta. Just fuck off please. We don't want your ratchet ass face near us you slut." "Hey shut up Lindsay. No one likes you." said Trevor trying to defend me. He was so sweet... 

"Pfft. You only like her because she's the only girl that would have sex with you before actually dating." I looked at Trevor, he could tell that I was hurt. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes but I just took a deep breath and I blinked away the tears. "You said you weren't going to tell anyone Trevor." "Acacia he told the whole school" said Jackie as nicely as she could. I looked at Trevor again but this time I had anger in my eyes, he looked so guilty and upset and disappointed. "Acacia I-" "No! Don't talk to me! You promised me that you weren't going to tell ANYONE. But instead you told my enemy!? How could you Trevor!? I HATE YOU." I ran off wiping away the tears in my eyes. "ACACIA!" I heard him call out my name, but I didn't look back. I was never going to look back. 

I ran into the girls bathroom. When I walked in there, two girls where in there. Their attention was on me as soon as I walked in. "Oh look it's that slut Acacia" said a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The brunette girl just laughed. "You don't know my story. So just shut up." The blonde girl tuts. "You're a slut. Just go and cut yourself. No one likes you." the two girls grab their things and push me out of the way and walk out of the bathroom.

I sighed and wiped away the tears and cleaned my cheeks. "I knew that wasn't a good idea..." I whisper to myself. I couldn't take it anymore... But I didn't want to turn to self harm. Or suicide. My kitties need me. And I need them... I have to stay strong. For them. 

But it was going to be hard. I could tell. I sighed once more and climbed out of the window and went straight to Taco Bell, I might as well skip school again... I didn't want to face the bullying or anything. I just need a taco... or a nacho bell grande or... just anything. The only thing I can go to is comfort eating...

I fucking hate life.

I'm Acacia Clark. And This Is My Life (Acacia Clark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now