1. Just my life

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     I didn't need to open the door to know it was my best friend Kodi screaming my name and trying to break down my door.

"Come in before you break my god damn door!" I hear the doorknob then Kodi's heavy steps behind me. I turn around to find his 6 foot 6 frame towering over me, with his arms crossed over his chest.

I cross my arms over my chest mimicking him and in my most sarcastic voice I say "Is there something I can help you with, sir?"

"Yes actually," he says getting more to my level "you promised you were going to make dinner for us tonight and I'm starving," he mocks. He tries to act serious by getting even more in my face but we both end up laughing on the floor.

"Ok but seriously I'm starving." He says finally getting up.

"Fine, but only because I don't want you starving to death," I shot back. He chuckled at that and oh my god that is my weakness, his laugh...it lingers in my ears like a harmonious song that you can listen on replay for hours.

     He walks out of my room and I follow him out because I have to make dinner. At least once a week I make dinner for the whole house which is me, Kodi, Logan one of my friends from high school, Alex Kodi's brother, Brody my younger brother, Shane the second oldest in our family, and my oldest brother Bailey. Bailey is already out of college working as an engineer in the next town over, while me and the rest of the boys are still in college and continuous sports.

     I'm getting the ingredients out to make chicken pot pie when I hear someone charging down the steps then the clicking of nails on the hardwood floors.

     I spin around to see Brody chasing Maverick, who has gotten the wondrous prize of Brody's football jersey. He starts chasing him running around the couch, while Mav has the biggest smile on his face.

"Give it back Mav! This isn't a game! I need it for the game tonight!" Brody hollers.

     Then I feel two large arms drape over my shoulders. I don't have to turn around to know that it's Kodi.

     "Do need any help? I'm extremely bored and if Brody asks I did not give Mav his jersey from the laundry basket." He says with a wide smirk on his face.

     I laugh. "Actually you can help me," I replied "you can start by helping Brody get his jersey back so I can actually focus and make you boys dinner."

     "Yes, bombshell," he sighs. I hate when he calls me that, it makes me want to melt on the floor and never get up again. And I hate that one single word could do that to me...

     I grab the oven mitts off the counter and take out the pies. "Dinners done!" I shout. Then I hear the stampede of wild boys charging down the stairs at full speed.

     Bailey is first, then Logan, next is Alex, then Kodi, followed by Shane, and lastly Brody carrying Mav across his shoulders. I grab my slice first and sit on the couch in my spot, then Kodi falls into his spot right next to me.

     He groans when he gets a mouthful, "Explain to me again why you're a music major and not culinary major?"

"First off Brody is the chef not me, second you really think I could be like Gordon Ramsay constantly screaming at people. Yeah not for me thank you." Kodi is a music major like me. He's always had his heart set on going big by either making it to the NHL or being a big time singer. But since he signed a contract with the NJ Devils last year he's been slacking with his classes and focusing mainly on hockey.

Shane has the remote in his hand scrolling through Netflix, "What should we watch? I heard there's this new true crime documentary," he says smiling to Brody.

"Don't even think about it," he grumbles, "watch that shit when I'm not home."

"Fine, then we'll have a whole movie night without you," he shoots back. He's talking about our movie night that we have every other week when we all get on couch and snuggle up with snacks and have a movie marathon.

I turn and see Kodi's eyes ocean eyes sliding like waves between Shane and Brody.

Brody flips off Shane. Shane then turns on Pocahontas. "Better?" Sarcasm on his tougue.

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