4. Rumors

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     It's been a week since I found out that Sash was my duet partner, thankfully we've only been composing the song and nothings really happened since then. I walk into my psychics class and everyone is crowded in a circle at the center of the room. I set down my stuff at my usual seat and walk over.
"Yo Kaleb, what's with the crowd over here?" I've known Kaleb since freshman year, he's our head left wing and is a beast on the ice.

I've also never seen him lose his light hearted attitude until now. He turns around to face me his dirty blonde hair turning with him and his meadow green eyes lock with mine, then he loses it, "Since when were you dating Sasha?!" He demands. And in that moment everyone turns to look at us, questioning looks on all their faces. It's as if the world just freezes and I've turned to ice.

"Where the hell did you hear that!?" I'm the one confused screaming now.
"Everyone has been saying how you guys finally got together?"
My face feels ghost like, I feel I'm just floating in mid air, like some meaningless song.

I barely hear the teacher say we all need to sit down but I take my seat next to Kaleb. I run my hands through my hair and leave them there.
Kaleb shoulders me, "Hey man you alright." I shake my head. He looks me up and down searching for answers but I know he won't find any because I don't even have them myself.

Where did they come up with that? I wish I could scream at the top of my lungs that it was true but it would neither be true nor smart to say.
"Kaleb where did you hear this..."
"Like I said everyone's been saying it and that it had something to do with you two being duet partners. Is it not true?" I hear some hopefulness in his voice because he's had a crush on her since I introduced them and he's not good at hiding it either cause now she hates when he comes over.
I throw my head around to look him in the eyes. "No it's not true," I slam my head down to the desk, "Sasha is my best friend. Yes we are duet partners but that doesn't mean we're dating."
"Tell that to practically the whole campus."

I shoot my head up. The whole campus knows... What the hell is going on? This has to be a rumor, right? Did Sasha say something? My mind has a million thoughts racing around like bull fighters waving around red and I don't know which one to follow, nor to trust.

     I don't pay attention the whole class, fear running through my veins attacking me at my weakest point in my mind-the part that is always scared to screw up with Sasha. I see her next class and I don't know what I'm gonna say or even if she's going to bring it up. I don't even realize that the teacher dismisses us until Kaleb practically punches me back to reality. I shake my head trying to gather my astray thoughts and get to my feet feeling dizzy.
     "Are you ok?" Kaleb asks, "You look whiter than a ghost."
     "Yeah I'm fine," I breathe. He shrugs his shoulders and walks off cause he has better things to worry about than me.

     The walk to the studio feels shorter than usual. I step through the door that leads to where we practice and see Sash leaning back in a chair with her face in a book. I smile and shake my head, she's got her hair flowing all around her shoulders, with a blue cropped sweatshirt on and black leggings. Her eyes shoot up from her book to look at me.
     "Wow you actually stopped reading to look at me? I must be looking like a fucking god today," I joke.
     She laughs and marks her page with a sticky note. "Nope still look shitty as always Kode red," she grins, looking me up and down. I know she was joking but a small part of me makes me wonder if she thinks I look shitty or not to her, like does she actually find me hard to look at? I usually have girls swarming me but none of that matters when it comes to her opinion, because shes the only one I care about. I try to push the thought out of my head.

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