11. I Hate Men

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      "I don't know about this."
      "Oh it will be fine stop freaking out. Plus you need a good night out WITHOUT thinking about Kodi." Audrey states pointing her finger at me.

     After I told her about me taking care of him the other day she has been insisting on getting me out and getting my mind off him, cause what happened was not something just friends do or at least not that we do.

So instead we're heading to the Black Dog, the most popular bar in town, even though there aren't many. She also insisted we don't tell anyone we're going here, except we got caught by Shane when leaving so he was an exception...apparently.

     "Why are you wearing leggings? We're going to the bar y'know." I just roll my eyes. She always goes above and beyond when it comes to going out, ever since we went into a fancy restaurant wearing sweatpants and hoodies and got dirty looks for it. What I'm wearing isn't bad I'm wearing leggings and an off the shoulder, cropped sweatshirt. Not that bad.

We make a sharp turn on Elm street. I hate driving with Audrey she always drives like we're on a racetrack, and I don't think her Kia is racing material.

We pull into the back parking lot of the bar. I take a deep breath bracing myself for hell. I've never been a big drinker. My mom used to drink, she would get drunk almost every night and if she wasn't, she'd find a way to take it out on me, like I was the reason she couldn't drown her problems in alcohol. I finally get out of the car and follow behind Audrey.

Walking across the lot I notice a group of guys staring at us, the pungent smell of weed hit my nose almost making me pass out, and the smoke was surrounding what I was guessing their leader. He looks me up and down like I'm his next snack then smirks at me nodding his head agreeing with himself. I roll my eyes trying to move on but I take a quick mental note to keep an eye on them.

We make it in the door and see people crowding on the dance floor as Champagne and Sunshine plays. We walk up to the bar sitting in the stools surrounding it.

"Hey Jayden get me two martinis!" Audrey shouts across the circular bar.

He whips his head around and stops cleaning a glass. He slowly starts towards us with a smile. "What are you two doing here?" I've known Jayden since I started here and I take a class with his boyfriend, plus he always watches the drinks making sure nothing gets spiked.

"This silly one's got boy problems."
"Seriously thats what we're calling it?" I say rolling my eyes.
"Oooo who's the lucky guy?" He says raising a brow while making our drinks.
"Oh. Well have fun and be careful. I'm always behind the counter if you need me to pull on the straight act." He sets down our martinis and winks walking over to the other side of the bar.

I barely get a few sips down before Audrey is dragging me to the dance floor. "No. I am not dancing." I say shaking my head taking another sip.
"C'mon have a little fun."
"Fine." Her smile turns mischievous.

If only I knew how big of a mistake this would be.

I've lost track of time.

Audrey's a couple of drinks in while I've only had two. We've been dancing for what feels like a hour. She said she just needed to go to the bathroom but she hasn't come back in 9 minutes and I'm starting to freak out.

I turn around to get away from the crowd but I immediately come face to face with that guy from the parking lot.

"Well aren't you a sexy little thing." He lowers his voice staring down at me.

"And you look like you just broke out of jail and you clearly didn't like the showers there." I remark looking him up and down with disgust. I look over my shoulder seeing the back exit door sign. I turn in that direction taking long strides hoping to get there quicker than he can.

I'm in the hall about to reaching for the door when I feel hands grab my hips from behind and slamming me against the side wall. "You know what happens to little sluts who have an attitude," he slurs in my ear. I try to get free digging my nails into his skin. "They get punished."

He grabs my wrists putting them above my head. "Stop you fucking lunatic!" I yell but no one can hear me over the music.

He starts to slide his hand up my sweatshirt. I try to bring my knee up but he's too far away. "Now I can finally get a feel of these tits I saw bouncing earlier." He makes sure to look me dead in the eye this time.

I turn my head avoiding his eyes when I see a tall redheaded figure coming at us.

"What the hell!!" Kodi screams. Relief washes over me almost drowning me and making me cry. The guy drops my wrists scrambling to get away. He's about to make his escape when Kode comes up to him grabbing his shirt and lifting him off the ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He fumed. He sets him down but before the guy could run Kode nails him hard in the face knocking him back into the door. The guy rights himself then scrambles to get out.

Kodi tries to go for the door but I step in front of him. "He's not worth it." I mumble, I can feel a tear running down my cheek. "Please don't leave me." I stammer out. That's what breaks him, I can see the moment his heart breaks in two. He looks down at me and I can see his blue eyes unfreeze, melting even more when he looks at me.

"Come here," he says, without hesitating and wrapping his arms around me.

"Why are you here?"
"Shane is a bit of a snitch. I also know you hate the bar and I didn't like the fact that you had no one with you to make sure this wouldn't happen. But I'm just happy I found you." He muffles into my hair kissing me there.

I don't want to think about what might've happened if he didn't come when he did and I might be a little grateful Shane said something.

"Can we go home." I say leaning back to look up at him.

"Yes please. I took your car cause my truck is still getting inspected."

I nod turning for the door but stop staring at it. I start fidgeting with my fingers. Then I feel him slip his warm hand into mine. "Bombshell you're safe with me, you know that. They will not hurt you and no one else will ever lay a finger on you as long as I'm here and I promise that."

As long as I'm here. I repeat those words in my head as I open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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