10. Lines

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I'm an asshole.

Sash just destroyed Robert's ego defending both of us and I didn't even say anything to him!?Then he yelled at her saying that I apparently just tolerate her and I didn't say anything to her denying it? What kind of friend am I? I stayed in the car for another 5 minutes after she got out whacking my head against the steering wheel. Also she just walked out on me and she's never done that. She also kissed me! Well on the cheek but it was a lot for me at least because we've never crossed that line. I liked the way she had to stand on her toes to reach me like she actually wanted to kiss me. Stupid I know but I don't care.

I walk into my room drop my bag and pace. I need to talk to her I know that much but what do I say? Do I mention her boldness for standing up for us? Ask how she is about him saying that stuff to her? Or how she kissed my cheek? "It shouldn't be so hard to talk to her she's your best friend you idiot." I press my palms to my forehead.

I'm just gonna go talk to her there's no point because I still need to apologize for being a clueless jerk. I swing open my door, walking a few steps to hers. Taking a deep breath I turn the knob. I'm startled when I find her on the ground shaking hearing her heavy breathing.

"Bombshell, what's wrong." I close the door and kneel down next to her. This is not what I was expecting when I walked.

She continues shaking, "I-I can't barely breathe-breathe." Her words are slurred and shaky. She having an anxiety attack what for, I don't know but that doesn't matter right now.

I open my arms to her, "Come here." She doesn't hesitate in the slightest, wrapping her arms around my torso burying her face in my chest still breathing like she's dying. "Just follow my breathing sweetheart."

She nestles into me unfazed by the name. I don't know where that sweetheart thing came from but she's not complaining so I let it go.

She lets out a trembling sigh relaxing in my arms. I kiss her hair.

     Her breathing starts to steady. "I'm sorry." She looks up at me tears coating her cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't help with Robert he's a real jerk. I'm sorry I let him walk all over you. I'm sorry I did nothing." I'm the one shaking now.

     She shakes her head, "Kodi it's not your fault I took the lead. I wanted to handle it." She relaxes into me again. "I'm just glad you didn't leave me all alone."

     "I would never leave you." I hug her tighter. "Sweetheart I would cross the fucking ocean just so that you wouldn't have to be alone. I don't care what we've been through or what we will go through I will be there."

     She looks up locking her eyes with mine. It's dark in her room but I can still see the dark forest green I always get lost in.

     "Kodi." Her voice is barely a whisper as tears swell in her eyes threatening to break loose. She buries her nose in my neck and I feel her warm breath. I rest my head against hers. I wish I could stay here forever, just me and her. Together.

     I woke up this morning feeling like shit. It's been 2 days since my game and everything between me and Sash are back to normal or at least our now normal fake dating thing.

     I've been laying in bed all morning with a headache and a scratchy throat.

All the sudden the pounding in my head starts getting worse like someone's hitting me with a hammer. I groan rolling over on my side. I'm missing all my classes today which means Sash is on her own at the studio. I get another slamming in the back of my head.

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