3. Perfectly wrong

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     Me and Kode continue walking but right as we're about to turn around and head back a grey SUV starts flying down the road clearly on a mission and definitely not going to stop for anyone.

     Kodi grabs my shoulders and pulls me back right as I see Kiara in the front seat of the car, which honestly doesn't surprise me but makes me curious about why she's driving like a maniac. "And there goes Kiara Meyers trying to be the next big F1 driver," I say in my best announcer voice. Kodi lets out an amused breath and shakes his head.

     I look down the road then look at Maverick and even though he's a dog he gives me a knowing smile. I lean forward and unlatch his leash. I look back and Kode has his eyes narrowed at me giving me a look that says don't you dare.

    But I take off at a full sprint not giving him time to react. Mav comes up beside me matching my pace with his long strides. It's a good mile until we get back to the house and I don't  plan on stopping until we get there. I feel the joy that I always get when running just like I used too, the power flowing through my muscles and my breath heaving. I turn and see Kodi 10 feet behind me slowly getting closer.

     "Fuck. Sometimes I forget how fast you are," he rasps from behind me. I slow down a little and instantly regret it. I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me back slowing us both. Kodi completely stops and moves his hands up to my biceps not letting me get any enjoyment out of having his hands on my waist. He rests his chin on the top of my head trying to catch his breath. "I knew I should've brought my inhaler," he mumbles through breaths.

     "Has your asthma been really bad lately?" I ask. I stop and question what I just did feeling the guilt hang over me like a shadow.
     "Yeah, I had to sit out for a minute at practice this morning," he replies, taking his chin off my head and moves to grab Mav's leash, but I pull away and clip the leash around Mav myself, then rest my head against Kodi's shoulder.

Kodi's asthma has always been a problem for him. Ever since we met in 7th grade it has always scared me, so whenever he mentions him having complications I start watching everything he does like a hawk.

     "Don't start with me right now," he groans, "I'm fine, I promise," his voice sounds sincere and his eyes soften when he looks down at me.
     I take my head off his shoulder and look up the street trying to distract myself from falling deeper into the two pools that might be the death of me.

     I open the front door and my ears already want to explode. Kiara is standing in front of Logan waving her hands in the air screaming.
     "Listen I don't care if you have a game mom and dad need you there!" Kiara shouts getting in Logan's face. I see from the corner of my eye Kodi is starting to back out of the door. I grab his wrist and use him as a human shield trying to get to the steps without her seeing me.

     "Why the fuck are you trying to hide from them?" He asks. I smack his arm trying to shut him up but it's too late.
     "Sasha tell Logan that he needs to stop being so self absorbed and actually care about his family for once!"
     "Oh bullshit! You don't even play a sport, unless you count acting like a basketball player a sport!" Logan screams, obviously annoyed with that remark.
"I think Logan has a point," Brody chirps. I didn't even realize he was sitting on the couch til now.

Kiara's whole face turns red with anger like satan just came up from the depths of hell and over took her body. If anyone can set off Kiara it's Brody. Ever since I met Kiara she's hated my brother to death but it's more like despise.

"Nobody asked you," she sneered back. Then she flips them both off and grabs my arm leading me up the stairs. I realize that Kodi must have went up stairs because he isn't behind me anymore.
"We really need to talk," I say as she drags me to my room.

     I shut my door and lock it for good measure. "Ok what did we need to talk about?" She's still mad about the fight with her brother, but I know not to push it to much.
I take a deep breath and sit down next to her on the bed just needing to tell someone and get this off my chest, "So we got our duet partners today andddd I got Kodi." Her mouth drops to the floor.
"So wait you have to sing a duet with Kodi?!" I nod in response. "Oh my god, what kind of song are you gonna sing?!" She yells.
"Some sort of love song," I barely get to finish my sentence before she jumped up and started screaming. Kiara may be a junior but sometimes I feel like she's a toddler in preschool with how excited she can get.

"I hate how invested you are in this ," I remark rolling my eyes, she just eagerly smiles practically shaking with joy. Then there's a knock at my door then someone trying to open the door. "Busy." I shout hoping that whoever it is can hear me.

"So are you excited, nervous, how do you feel about this," she asks sitting back down.
"Honestly, I'm calmer than I thought I would be. Yes I'm still nervous but I feel like it could be worse." She looks utterly shocked by answer as she should be because I'm severely lying. I'm shaking even thinking about it, so who knows how bad I'll be when we have to actually sing.

I hear a knock at my balcony door. "Who the hell?" I get up and Kiara just shrugs.

I walk over to the door and open the curtain. All I see is Kodi with the biggest smile on his face. He probably crawled out of his window and on the roof to my balcony. I raise a brow and he only smiles bigger and mouths me a "please". He looks adorable when he begs, while giving me the same exact smile that melts my heart.

I finally let him in. "Thanks bombshell," he says-I still hate that nickname even though he's used it since 7th grade.
"Anytime Kode red," I shoot back, he just side eyes me while he walks to my closet. "What are you even doing?"
He opens his mouth but Kiara cuts him off, "I need to go Kayla needs me." She immediately gets up and unlocks my door not letting me even say bye. She's probably going to rescue her roommate Kayla from another bad date.

Kodi waits til she's out of the room before talking just in case she comes back, "I'm looking for my sweatshirt that you took from me yesterday," he finally explains.

I walk over to my bedpost and retrieve it, it's a navy blue and white sweatshirt with his number 14 on the back, and our mascot Rocky the wolf on the front and the Blue Mountain hockey logo under it. I start toward the closet with it, while he's ripping everything away from its rightful place.

I sneak up on him and tackle him throwing the hood over his eyes. I jump up on his back and start rubbing the hood into his head trying to mess up his hair and his hands fly up trying to stop me. We're both laughing and giggling trying to get the other to ground. I fall off his back and he immediately tackles me down. He's leaning over me on his knees pinning my arms to my chest, he got the sweatshirt off his head and his red curly hair is going in all directions, he looks like a perfect mess. I can't stop laughing, but my mind has completely forgotten about how nervous I was previously.

"Do you have like chronic laughing syndrome or something," he chuckles out.
"Maybe," I manage through my giggling.
He sits back and pulls me up so I'm sitting up right. I'm wiping the tears away from my eyes because I was laughing so hard, when he jokes, "Let's hope you don't laugh that hard when we have to sing."


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