7. Problems

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     I contemplated even going on campus earlier after having a mental breakdown in my room, but I dragged my ass out of bed. Now me and Kode are in my car talking about rules of this fake dating thing because I refuse to go without any.
"So, no kissing in public," I nod staring out the window refusing to look him in the eyes, "so what are you saying kissing in private is ok?" His tone is playful. I turn around and smack his bicep.

"Kodi! No!" I say, with my mouth gaped open in pure disbelief. He chuckles to himself while side glancing me with a smile. I turn back to the window resting my head in my hand, thinking if kissing would really be that bad.

     I can see his smile fall and his shoulders sag. "You're nervous aren't you." It's not really a question. "Listen, we'll figure this out as we go." He says, looking my way.
We finally pull into the parking lot close to the studio. "Yeah I know it's just...I don't know it's gonna be weird and...different."
He turns to me his eyes soften into a pastel blue his smile long gone looking for forgiveness. "I'm sorry," he his voice cracking slightly, "I don't want this to make you uncomfortable if you don't feel okay with doing this we can stop it here."
There's Kodi again making sure everyone is put first before him. "No I'm not uncomfortable I just don't know anything different from what we're used to." I also feel I'm going to screw up and do something I can't undo.

     I look at him, he's smiling now, one thats soft and gentle but still makes his dimples slightly show against his freckled cheeks. He gazes at me taking in my features slowly looking me in the eyes. He lingers there seeming to be searching for something but when he comes out empty handed his gaze drops down to my lips but quickly looks away before facing forward.  "At least we'll be doing it together." He breathes out.
     I know I did not imagine that, he 100 percent was just admiring me. Then he holds out his hand over the console. I lightly smile then clap his hand  and to continue to do our signature handshake.

     I jump out of the car meeting Kodi at the front of the car. He locks it then reaches out for my hand. I narrow my eyebrows at him. "Gotta act the part, remember," he says as if it's obvious. I reluctantly let him take my hand and start walking across the parking lot.

     I turn when I hear someone call Kodi's name and he turns too. Then I see Kaleb come out from behind a car, running towards us. Kodi steps closer and plants his foot in front of mine guarding me from him.
Kaleb finally reaches us looking like a giddy child. "So how are you two dealing with this rumor?" He blurts out smiling looking from me too Kodi.

     I don't even get a chance to think before I say, "Actually me and Kodi are dating and we thought since half the campus figured it out already why keep it a secret." Kodi looks at me surprised but quickly pulls on a smile and nods to Kaleb. Kaleb's mouth falls open losing his once giddy smile. He looks to Kodi like his about to knock him out.

     "But yesterday you said it was fake?" He says pointing at Kodi still pissed.
     "Yeah had to keep up the act," he softly smiles squeezing my hand.
     "Ok whatever see you at the game tonight," he says waving his hand off, then he walks away.
     A child. Honestly.

     Kodi raises a brow then shrugs his shoulders at me. I start walking so does he. He squeezes my hand in his again and starts rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.
     "Are you gonna wear my jersey to the game tonight?" He asks with a wide smile already knowing the answer.
     "No I'm gonna wear fucking Kaleb's." I say sarcastically. I usually wear his jersey to the games anyway but something tells me it gonna be a little different this time.

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