8. Perfect interrogations

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I've officially given up.

We're driving back from the studio and Kode passed out as soon as he got in the damn car, leaving me alone.

     I know my brothers are going to question him no matter how well they know him because thats how they are, overprotective and annoying as fuck.

     There's no way that this is not going to stress Kodi out. He's never been good with pressure or questioning in general. He starts to snore next to me, thankfully he's never been a loud snorer though.

     I'm almost to our road when I find a road block with a detour sign that wants me to probably circle the whole damn neighborhood. I smack my forehead to the steering wheel and groan. The world's out to kill me today.

     I wonder how quickly I could just run into the house, grab Kodi's hockey bag and run out without getting caught. Then we could just camp out at the rink hoping no one would find us. Kodi takes in a sharp breath jolting me from my thoughts. He sounded like he was taking his last breath and about to die, I stare at him for a minute to make sure he's breathing like a normal person not on the verge of death, but then his breaths go steady again thankfully. I swear he sleeps like the undead, it's insufferable.

     I question all my terrible decisions as I take a left on to our road. Why did Kodi even offer to do this for me in the first place? I know he hates Melody too but there's no way in hell thats the only reason he did this, right?

     I pull into our driveway that is boarded by trees on both sides. I love everything about our house right next to the lake. I could walk down our driveway and jump in the lake if I wanted to like I have done multiple times before. One nice thing about my parents is that they pay for the house and due to my Dad owning Shelly boats we also have a 32 foot boat sitting at our dock as well, even if it was only meant for my brothers. I'm still grateful for something so simple that means they don't care that much if I get a little enjoyment out of something of theirs for once.

     I finally park in front of the garage doors leaning back in my seat I try to prepare myself for what's about to happen when I walk through the front door. I nudge Kode's shoulder but he doesn't budge. Once again he sleeps like the undead. Leaning over the center console I grab his shoulders and start shaking him awake. "Kodi wake up you knucklehead!" He jumps whacking his forehead against mine. I immediately feel the sting in my head when he pulls back.

     "Shit," he curses holding his head, " you ok bombshell?"
     "Yeah I think you just knocked me back to reality anyway so thanks I guess."
     "I told you I could do everything."
      "Yeah totally Mr. Big Ego." I say raising a brow and smirking at him.
      "Yeah Mr. Big Ego," he says mimicking me.
      "Ok act like a child then."
      "Oh blah blah blah."he says getting out of the car.

     I grab my bag from the back and open my door to find Kodi standing right there looking down at me. How did he run around the car so quickly? "Don't you dare."

     But its too late Kodi grabs my calves trying to pull me out of the car. I try to kick him and end up kicking him in the abs but he just laughs then I start laughing with him until we're both dying of laughter. He's laughing so hard he starts bending forward touching his head to my knees with his hands still on my legs.

     "Are you two done?" I look up to find the source of the voice. Alex is standing on the landing of the steps with Mav at his feet wagging his tail. Then I spot my brothers and Logan at the top of the steps with their arms crossed over their chests.

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