9. The game

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I've been staring at Kodi's jersey for 10 minutes. I don't know why it's a big deal, I've worn that exact same jersey millions of times, so why is it so hard to just pick it up and put it on?

  None of my previous relationships had felt this complicated, then again none of those guys have been Kodi. The only reason I ever dated anyone else was the stupid hope that maybe they'd treat me like he does but I just ended up looking for him in every guy I dated and to my expected surprise never found what I knew I needed.

My phone buzzes beside me. I glance at it to see Kode's name pop up and that it's a FaceTime call. Why does he want to FaceTime now? The one time I actually don't want to talk to him. Then I suddenly realize I'm just sitting here in a lace bra and black leggings. God kill me now.

I accept the call pointing the camera to the ceiling until I can turn off the camera. "Hey what's up."

"Apparently the ceiling." He chuckled, "Why did you turn your camera off? You think I'm going to judge you or something." He says sarcastically.

"I don't know do you want to see me half naked," I blurt out before I know what I'm saying. I mentally slap myself in the face.

His face doesn't fall into horror like I thought it would he just stands there with a side smile and a quirked eyebrow like this is normal.

I pull my horrid British accent out hoping to change the topic, cheerily saying, "Whats with the cheeky grin, mate?" He struggles not to laugh rolling his lips. "Why are you calling me?" I finally ask.

"Oh yeah." He shakes his head, "I just wanted to make sure you had a ride to the game. Do you have a ride to the game?" His eyebrows raising in question.

"Yeah, I'm driving myself." I say in an obvious tone.
"Please be careful." His face is full of concern suddenly. He's never acted like this, he's more worried and scared than usual. He's probably around his teammates and trying to put up the act so I guess I should too.

"I will. I promise." I groan rolling my eyes.

He smiles, "Ok. Bye!" He frantically waves.
"Bye, Kode red." He smiles one last time before hanging up. I fall back on my bed smiling to myself unable to contain it. Why does he do his to me?

I look over to his jersey, still on the floor. I sigh, "How did I get myself into this shit."

     I walk down to my usual seat. Right next to the glass and the penalty box. The best seat in the house for the action.

     After a few minutes the rink goes dark as the players skate out. Kodi's the first one out immediately looking for me. It doesn't take long before he does and his mouth pulls up in a half smile.

     We're about halfway through the second period down by 2. Kode comes back onto the ice like a bull, flying past the defense. Caleb gets around the guy blocking him passing to Kode. He doesn't wait a second taking a shot that hits the back of the net. But right after he took the shot the other team's center comes crashing in slamming into him.

     Kode staggers but quickly gains his footing then throws down his gloves and stick going for the center. The guy quickly realizes he fucked up. God bless this guy because Kodi may be the sweetest person you'll ever meet but he could crack this guys skull if he wanted.

      I'm standing now trying to see the fight on my toes. The ref clears the players out of the way to get to them and I get a clear view of Kodi pounding this guys face into the ice.

     The ref breaks them up, Kode looks untouched, no cuts, no blood, but he looks pissed. He starts screaming at the ref but he just points him to the penalty box. The center stands shaking on his feet bloody nose, cheeks and upper temple as well.

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