2. Everything

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I'm walking to class with Sasha. She's walking in front of me, her ponytail swinging while she walks.

"Kodi I'm terrified to see who my duet partner is ," her voice shaking just like the rest of her body, "oh my god, what if I get a controlling partner or worst someone who hates me." She stops and buries her face in her hands, wincing at the thought.

I know this is just her anxiety and overthinking getting the better of her like always, but how could anyone hate her? It amazes me how anyone could even think that when she is the definition of perfect in my eyes, with her blonde hair flowing halfway down her back, her dark green eyes that remind me of a evergreen forest at night, and a laugh that could hypnotize anyone into falling in love with her.

     I snap back to reality and realize she's started overthinking and rambling again.

     "But...but what if I like...I like get someone who doesn't..." I couldn't take it anymore. I stop in front of her and grab her shoulders holding her steady so she looks me in the eyes.

     "Sash listen to me, you are the best singer I know and also the sweetest person I know. They won't hate you, I promise," I reassure and rub her shoulders.

     She takes a slow breath in then looks me in the eyes, "Thanks Kode, I needed that." Then she smiles. Not an ear to ear smile but my smile, the smile that only I get to see.

      We walk into the studio and everyone is crowded around the board looking to see who their partner is. Sash drags me down to her level and whispers in my ear, "I'll look to see who we both have, ok?" I nod in response. Then I watch her bounce off into the crowd. She's 5 foot 11 with a long swinging ponytail so I'm able to keep track of her pretty well.

I scroll on my phone, but quickly look up to check on her, when I see her running back with the brightest smile on her face. She stops in front of me and starts squealing "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!"

"Oh my god what?" I question.
"Kodi we're duet partners," she wraps her arms around my torso and gives me a life ending hug, while I feel like my life just got set on fire because how in the name of hell am I supposed to survive hearing the voice of the girl I've had a crush on since 7th grade, almost everyday...

I practically break down Alex's door when I get home.

     "What the hell are you doing!?" He demands, as I shut the door. He's surrounded by papers on his bed clearly trying to get a last minute study session in.

     "Listen we have a major code red..."
     "What do you mean?"
     "So you know how I was supposed to get my new duet partner today."
     "Yeah you've only been talking about it for the past week." He says rolling his eyes clearly disturbed by my presence.

     Alex is the only one who knows about me having a crush on Sasha, and the only one I trust to know as well. "So basically my worst nightmare came true."

     "You're fucking kidding me," he says, falling back on the bed and rubbing his hand over his mouth. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to catch on.
     "I wish, I don't have a single clue how I'm supposed to survive." I bury my face in my hands and slide down to the floor with my back to the door.

     "I don't either man," I look up and he's deep in thought staring at the floor. "Wait you said that writing a song helps you? Like it helps you express yourself, right?" I nod, "Ok so how about you convince Sash to do a love song for your duet. Then you can let out how much you love her but make it seem like you are just trying to get the grade?"

     "That's actually a genius idea thank-'' I don't get to finish because all the sudden the door is being pushed against my back. I immediately get up and Sasha comes falling through the door clearly been using her whole body to open the door.

     I grab her before she hits the floor and she's panting. "Sash you alright?" I know my voice sounded a little too joyful because she just fell into my arms but I don't care.

     "Yeah, thanks Kode." She's clearly unfazed by me touching her even as I reluctantly take my hands off her hips.

     She takes a step back "I was looking for you actually."
     "Why? What's wrong?" Did I do something or did someone do something to her? I take a quick look on her arms and legs without her noticing.
     "Well first off we usually go for a walk together on Fridays and I also wanted to ask you about what you think we should do for our song."

     "Oh I forgot it was Friday." I smile hoping she'll forgive me and trying to tell myself that if she was hurt she wouldn't have been this hyper. She just rolls her eyes and walks out. I follow her out but as I'm about to shut the door Alex gives me a big thumbs up.

     Sasha has Mav on his leash and we're walking down our road like we do every Friday, yet for some reason something feels different...
"Sooooo what do you think we should do for the song?" Sasha chirps.

Yep, now I remember why I dreaded coming on this walk. She just had to bring it up. "Um I don't know...maybe something to like soothe the mind?" She looks at me like I just grew a second head. Soothe the mind? What the fuck is wrong with me? She must think I'm going fucking crazy now. I try to avoid her eyes and look at the stop sign ahead.

"I mean I was thinking along the same lines but since when did you get so particular?" She bumps my elbow with hers with a smile.
"I don't know we've never wrote a song together," I gulped on my words. Why the fuck did I say it like that?
She stops and looks at me, "Oh Kodi," she coos, "do you think it'll be weird since we're friends?" She questions.
"I guess because you usually do like love songs and I don't want it to feel weird for you." Fuck...
"Kode we don't have to do a love song?" Her face is pure reassurance, her eyes are soft as she looks up at me through her lashes. I just wanna fucking kiss her...
"No we can do a love song I just wanted to check with you first." I give her my million dollar smile, she just smiles and shakes her head then continues walking.
Alex would be proud of me for how I handled that, can't wait to tell him that his stupid plan might actually work.

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