Prologue: A Nice Retreat.

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I stepped off the boat onto the dock, looking over at the cabins on the island. I'm so glad that we decided to come here, it wasn't fully my idea, but that's still ok. I started walking to the main cabin, but slightly jumped when I heard someone speak.
"Audi, aren't you glad we decided to do this together?"
It was my friend Pacific. He has long brown hair, a slight beard, and Hazel eyes. He was the person that helped me to set up this trip. I turned around, grinned at him, and responded to his question.
"Yeah, I feel like this was an amazing idea!"
I then noticed Seven next to him. Seven had honey blonde hair in a ponytail, black glasses, blue eyes, and earrings.
Pacific smiled at me lightly while Seven waved at me, before both walking to the cabins.

Next two off the boat were Kelly and Simon, the brother and sister. Kelly was wearing a purple hood, mask, and glasses. Her eyes and hair were both a dark brown. Then there was Simon, with his short blonde hair and brown eyes. He is the second youngest on this trip. They both just waved to me and walked to the cabins.

Speaking of the youngest, Addy ran up to me, full of energy as usual. She had short brown hair and blue eyes.
"I'm so glad you and Pacific could bring us all here!"
I grinned and responded.
"Yeah, I'm glad you could come!"

Addy was interrupted by Owen running by. His short brown hair would have waved in the wind a bit if it were longer. I never really got a chance to talk with Owen, but I know he's friends with Seven and Pacific.

V and Killian walked onto the dock together, messing with each other. V has brown hair partially dyed blue, and grey-blue eyes. Killian had long black hair, tan skin, and wears sunglasses. V waved at me, and Killian shoved them playfully. They both walked to the cabin, with Addy following them after waving at me.

Roma walked past me, waving slightly. She has black hair in a ponytail, golden brown skin, and she looks joyful as always.

Madeleine and Gideon were walking by together, Madeleine had short black hair and green glasses. Gideon has really short black hair with black glasses. Madeleine slightly waved at me, and Gideon kept talking with Madeleine.

The next up were CJ, Coda, and Madi. Madi had long brown hair and glasses, Coda had short brown hair and black glasses, and CJ had curly brown hair and glasses.

Sap and Katt walked together. Katt had medium brown hair. Sap has long brown hair and glasses.

Madison walked by alone. She had black wavy hair and semi golden brown skin.

The last two, also the last two people I would expect to be talking, were Cookie and Tom. The only things they had in common were skin color and hair color. They both had black hair and burnished amber skin. Cookie had curlier hair, while Tom had straighter hair. They both walked to the cabins together, still talking as they did.

Finally, I decided to walk to the cabins to go talk with the others. 🦜

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