Chapter 2: Redwood.

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The scream pierced my ears. I could barely make out who it was, until I got up. It was... KELLY-! I sprinted outside to find Kelly. I was the fifth one to get to Kelly, noticing Simon, Pacific, Sap, and Katt already there. "What's the screaming about Kell-" I paused, and looked at the ground.

V was laying on the ground, an axe in the back of their head. There was blood everywhere. I also noticed a "1" carved into their face when I lifted V's head up. It was on their left cheek. Was this implying there was gonna be more deaths..? How many more people are gonna die..? Am I gonna die..? I was stressing as all the questions flowed through my head. Pacific noticed this and tapped me on the shoulder lightly.

"You ok Audi..? I know that V's death was hard... I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to b- uh..."
"Able to what..?"
Pacific stared at me quietly, he seemed apathetic.
"Pacific do you care at all..?"
Pacific nodded quietly, looking slightly guilty for appearing to not care.
"I just-" He was digging his thumbs into the tops of his eye sockets partially. He struggled to come up with words before continuing to just walk away.

Killian ran over and hugged V's body, tears in his eyes. V and Killian were pretty close, they were almost like siblings. Madi was behind him, staring at V's body in a weird mix of horror, disgust, anger, and depression. She was completely speechless. I sighed and walked back to the cabins.

I realized the cabins were empty, aside from Pacific, who had been crying, but was denying it. Seven, who was trying to comfort Pacific. And Owen who was helping Seven. I walked up to the three, and listened into their conversation.
"I wasn't crying- you guys can stop, you're overreacting."
"Pacific, we care about you. It's ok to cry if you need to, right Owen?"
"Yeah! It's ok to let out your emotions! We won't judge!"
Pacific glared at them both
"My emotions don't matter. I'm only here to be supportive and help others with their own emotions. I'm going somewhere else" The way he said that seemed to try and avoid seeming hostile. He then walked away.

I looked over at Seven at Owen, who were just as surprised as me.
"Does he-"
"He hasn't really done this before actually..."
Owen stared at Seven, before mentioning something
"I mean- one time in like, 7th grade I remember he kinda just... shut down. Not saying a thing. He just kinda laid his head on the table."
Seven sighed
"I'm just gonna go try and find him."
Seven then walked away too, leaving Owen. And me but that was obvious.

I stared at Owen.
"Did you want something..?" He asked
"I uh- I wanted to get to know you actually..."
"Oh- uh... I'm Owen, and I like Pokemon!' Owen gently smiled.
"I'm Audi. Also, Kelly actually really likes Pokemon too! You should talk to her sometime. She wears a purple hoodie and has long brown hair. She might be a bit shaken up from discovering a body still..." Owens expression went down once the body was mentioned.

"Oh yeah... The body..." Owen said, looking around a bit, before continuing.
"Pacific told us about it... I'm sorry if they were close to you..."
"I- It's ok... I- I'm just gonna go to bed now..."
"Oh, ok. Bye bye" Owen waved bye to me. I waved back before walking away. I got in bed and cried myself to sleep.

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