Chapter 10: The Suffrage

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I woke up to Addy standing next to me. I don't know how long she was standing there, but I'm glad I wasn't killed in my sleep. "Hey Audi? Did you wanna go on a walk with me? It's kinda dark already since you slept in so long, but I think it might still be fun!" Addy asked in her cheerful voice. I wonder why I was asleep for so long, maybe I was just really tired. I got up from bed and looked at Addy. "Sure..." I responded, my voice a bit deeper since I just woke up. I got up and walked with Addy outside.

"Jesus Christ- How long was I asleep for..?" I questioned after I saw it was already pretty dark. "A while... A lot of people were concerned you died..." Addy noted, sounding a bit sad. I tried to ignore how bad I felt, but I couldn't. I don't know what happened to make me not wake up... I just continued to walk with Addy. We eventually started walking into the forest.

It was dark, too dark... You could only tell someone was a person by their silhouette. It was scary. I'm pretty sure Addy was scared too, she was kinda shaking. It was really cold too... I was looking around to make sure nobody else was there. I didn't see anyone but Addy luckily. Until I heard leaves faintly crunching from behind me. The sound kept getting louder and louder. I turned around just in time to see someone running up to me with a crowbar. I couldn't react fast enough before they bashed the crowbar into my knees, knocking me down. "ADDY, RUN!" I screamed. I heard Addy running away as the person hit my legs again.

The person started dragging me by my arms. "Damn, going into a forest with only a child? I thought you were smarter." The person spoke, this must have been the male killer. "Wh- Who the fuck are y- you..?" I asked, still in a lot of pain. He snickered before mocking me "You think you're getting an answer? In your dreams.". It felt like forever until he dragged me into a building.

It was still too dark to make out who it was. He picked me up and stabbed something into one of my hands. He did the same to the other hand before letting go of me. I was stuck hanging by my hands. I really wanted to cry but I just... couldn't... "And now comes the fun part~!" He said enthusiastically. I heard something being pulled out of his pocket. It was a knife, and he carved the number 4 into my cheek. it was extremely painful. "Well then, my work is done here. See you later, Thompson." He walked out right after saying that.

I tried to get down, but I wasn't able to get my hands off the hooks. My body swung slightly from my attempts. Everything hurt so badly... The blood dripping down my cheek was not helping whatsoever. I was really afraid that I was gonna die here... I decided to just stop trying.... It was hopeless... I decided to just close my eyes and go to sleep, just hoping that I would wake up tomorrow.

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