Chapter 5: Interrogations.

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I looked around to think of who to interrogate first. CJ is the strongest, Pacific is one of the smartest, Killian could definitely get away with a murder, Roma seemed too innocent, and Sap... Sap is Sap.

First, I decided to change into my pajamas, considering how late it was already. Everyone else was in their pajamas too. After I changed I walked back to where everyone was.

I walked over to Pacific and CJ. They both slightly waved at me.
"Hey guys, could I possibly speak with CJ alone?"
"Uh... Sure?"
CJ and Me walked to a separate room.

"So, CJ, what have you been doing for the past... 30 minutes?"
"I got onto my bed like, 30 minutes ago. And a few minutes after that, Pacific walked in and suggested we talk while on his bed. He also had this- scar across his eyes... I wonder where that came from."
"About that scar..."
CJ sighed "What did you do this time Audi..."
"In my defense, it looked like he was holding a knife. So I kinda... slashed him across the face with a sharp stick..."
"Can you go get Pacific?"
"Sure." CJ walked out

A few minutes later, Pacific walked in, wearing an eye patch.
"What took so long..? You had to walk like, 6 feet to get here."
"Got distracted"
"By what-"
"Sap leaving the room"
"I was gonna- Honestly he didn't seem suspicious anyway."
"Anyways, what have you been doing for the past 30 minutes?"
"Uhh... I guess like- talking to CJ. But I did get some Ibuprofen since someone hit me with a stick."
"Jeez I'm sorry-"
"It's fine."
"Anyways, can you- actually you'll take forever, I'll get him myself."
Me and Pacific both walked out.

Pacific went back to sitting on his bed and talking with CJ. I walked over to Killian's bed, noticing him dropping a bloody razor.
"Oh uh- Hey Audi..."
"Hey Killian..." I picked up the bloody razor, then looked at Killian's sleeves.
"Wait why are your sleeves turning- ..."
I climbed up onto Killian's top bunk and hugged him.
"I'm so sorry for you Killian, I hope you know that it's gonna get better..."
After a few seconds, Killian spoke.
"Thanks for that Audi..."
"You're welcome. I'm gonna go do something now, is that ok?
I slowly got down from Killian's bed and walked over to Roma's.

"Hey Roma, could you come with me for a second?"
"Sure I guess."
Me and Roma walked into a separate room.
"So, what have you been doing for the past 30 minutes?"
"Drawing while sitting on my bed."
"Makes sense, what has Pacific been doing for the past 30 minutes?"
"Talking with CJ."
"Can I go now?"
Roma left the room.

Madeleine walked in and sat down.
"Audi, I found some evidence that could help a bit."
"Dark brown hair."
"That narrows the list of suspects a bit, right?"
"It means that You, Me, Seven, Killian, Owen, Simon, Madison, Roma, Gideon, and Cookie likely aren't the killer."
"Interesting... But uh-" I looked out the window.
"I'm gonna go to bed..."
"Alright, Goodnight Audi."

I walked out and got in my bed. I noticed an unfinished drawing on one of the shelves nearby, I'd check it out tomorrow though. I managed to shut my eyes and go to sleep.

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