Chapter 13: Bloody Blossoms

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I slowly got up from bed, ignoring Pacific. I walked outside and decided to look for Kelly. The "apology" I gave her yesterday wasn't really an apology. The moment I stepped outside, something felt off. I immediately ducked, and an arrow flew over my head. I slowly stood back up, looking around. Nobody was nearby who could've caused that. I decided to just ignore it and continue walking.

I decided to walk over to where Kelly and Sap planted flowers, maybe she would be there. I slowly approached and saw... Sap sobbing, hugging Kelly's body... Was this my fault..? Did she kill herself..? Thoughts were racing through my head as Owen walked over, appearing like he was about to fall to the ground in tears. I couldn't handle it anymore and walked back to the medical tent.

I tried to just lay down and go back to sleep. I wasn't able to. I looked over at Pacific, who was sitting up. "You doing ok after yesterday..?" Pacific turned to look at me, and slowly nodded. "I would've exp-" Pacific immediately went silent in the middle of his sentence. "Alright then..." We both just stared at each other for a bit. "You look kinda like ZRP Au-" "Hush." Pacific cut me off, annoyed. But the annoyance didn't last very long.

"Do your emotions ever feel... weird..?" Pacific asked, sounding a bit scared. "Like, I've been having 'episodes' of feeling like my emotions don't matter. Going on about stuff like 'oh, my emotions don't matter. I'm only here to support you guys.'" He continued, devolving into laughter. This wasn't like, fun and happy laughter though. Pacific seemed like his sanity was slipping down the drain. "Pacific you're... you're still... y'know..." I stuttered, unable to communicate what I meant. Pacific stopped laughing and stared right into my eyes. The lights in his eyes were nowhere to be found.

After about a minute of him staring, the lights in his eyes came back, and his face shifted to an expression of boredom. "Uh... Yeah... I'm fine Audi..." Pacific spoke in a monotonous tone, shifting to be more tremulous on the last part. "I believe that..." I whispered, failing to lie. Pacific just sighed before getting up and leaving. Should I have said something else..? I probably should've said something else... Or even nothing at all... I'm a horrible person...

Madeleine walked in and stood next to me. "Hey Audi, you doing alright after- Wait have you seen her body yet..?" Madeleine questioned, a bit silent. I just slowly nodded. "Oh... I'm sorry..." Madeleine whispered. "Did you see anything that could possibly hint towards one of the killers..?" Madeleine questioned, trying to move on from that. "Uh- No. But I feel like you should talk to Pacific... He doesn't seem... okay... if you know what I mean." I slowly answered. "Oh- Alright... I'll go check up on him." Madeleine ran back out after that. 

I decided to start laying down and thinking about who the killers could be. I mean, maybe it could be Roma and Killian? Their sudden friendship was kinda strange. The voices are kind of off from the voices I heard outside though. Killian's voice was a bit deeper than the male voice, and Roma's voice was higher than the female voice. Although, they could just be masking their voices. Also, Roma was one of the people who went to get the firewood, presumably when V died. Neither have brown hair, but that could've been a decoy. That does seem smart actually. I also do remember the male killer having long hair when I encountered him in the forest. Maybe I figured this out by myself. I'd just need some way to prove they are the killers.

I eventually closed my eyes and went to sleep a bit earlier than I should.

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