Chapter 1: New Place, New Horrors.

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I was talking with Addy about the island we were staying on.
"Addy, don't you think something seems off..?"
"I mean- I haven't seen anyone acting weird."
"No, I mean about the whole situation. Doesn't this seem too good to be true?"
I noticed Pacific walking over to behind me, and slightly shoving me. I jumped slightly and turned to him. Addy walked away while I did so.

"Jesus- What was that for?"
"I was tryna scare you, and It's clear that I was successful." Pacific grinned slightly, before speaking again.
"Also, Me, V, Roma, Cookie, Tom, and Madeleine were gonna go get wood for campfires a bit before midnight. Did ya wanna come help?"
"No thanks." I shook my head politely.
Pacific frowned slightly, before waving and walking away.

I started looking around a bit to look for something to do, since I was bored. I noticed a pencil and some paper, so I decided to start drawing. I decided to just start drawing random people, mainly ones I don't know very well. I did throw in a few people I did know though, I drew Pacific first, since he was already on my mind. I was drawing peacefully, until Simon walked in and made me jump a bit. I realized I drew a line over Pacifics eyes. I was gonna erase it, but I didn't have an eraser. I sighed, looked over at Simon, and looked back at the paper to start drawing him.

More people were coming to mind like Roma, Sap, Owen. The last person I drew was me. I was observing the image a bit. I was about to start drawing V, but the door was opened by Pacific.

I looked over at him.
"Did you forget something..?"
"No- I was gonna grab my hoodie..? Since me and the others were gonna go get some wood for the campfire..?"
"Wasn't that happening during midnight?"

Pacific pointed to the window for a second, before grabbing a white hoodie and putting it on. I noticed a black hoodie in his hoodie pocket.
"Why do you have another hoodie in your hoodie..?"
"If it gets too cold. Probably will honestly, get cold really easily." Pacific grinned slightly, before getting a bit serious.
"If you wanna help get some firewood, go ahead and help, we'll be outside."
Pacific went back to smiling, before waving and walking away. Something didn't feel right. Pacific was the kind of person to have serious moments randomly while happy, but I feel like something bad is gonna happen. I rushed to go outside, before hesitating. Did I really wanna risk something happening to me..? I decided against going outside, before going to bed. This would be dealt with in the morning.

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