Chapter 11: Illusory Sense of Safety

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I had been hanging here for a while now... It was hopeless... At least that's what I thought. Addy ran inside with Pacific. They both just stared up at me. Pacific ran away and Addy walked up to me, tears in her eyes. I wanted to hug her so badly... I couldn't... My heart was breaking the longer I heard her crying...

Eventually Pacific ran back in with Madeleine and Kelly, who were both visibly traumatized after seeing me. Pacific was also holding a roll of bandage, and he ran up to me with it. He wrapped the bandages around my cheek. Something felt... off... I couldn't put my finger on what exactly, but something felt off. He was slowly taking my hands off the hooks and bandaging them too.

Everyone helped to carry me back to the medical tent. I wasn't happy about being back here, but at least I wouldn't have to die... I was sat on the same bed I was on before. Pacific bandaged up my arms a bit more. I eventually laid down again. "Hey uh- can anyone stay with Audi for a bit..? I feel like the killer is gonna be coming after her since she survived the original attempt. I would, but I have something to do." Pacific asked, looking around a bit. "I'm trying to figure out the killer." Madeleine mentioned. "Uh- me and Addy can stay with her... Right Addy?" "Yeah..." Kelly said, with Addy responding.

Pacific and Madeleine both left the tent afterwards. Kelly sat on the other bed in the medical tent. Addy sat next to her, staring at me. I was just laying in the bed, desperately trying to say something. I just... couldn't...  I hated this so much, and I couldn't even do anything. "I'm gonna be right back Addy. Make sure Audi is fine." Kelly said before leaving the medical tent. Addy was just sitting there, trying not to cry.

After about 20 minutes, Kelly came back with some sticks fastened together. "Uh- I tried making you some crutches... And- uh... don't worry about them breaking, I tested them myself." Kelly said softly. She set the crutches against the bed I was on, before sitting next to Addy again. After that, neither of them really spoke or anything. I couldn't tell how fast time was going. It could've been going slow, it could've been going fast. I had no way to tell. 

Eventually I mustered up the strength to sit back up.  Kelly quickly noticed this and stood up and hugged me, tears forming in her eyes. I immediately hugged her back, sobbing my eyes out. Something felt off again but I completely ignored it. I was hugging Kelly, now isn't the time for those feelings. The world seemed to feel less real the longer I was hugging Kelly. Eventually Kelly pulled away from the hug. "Y- You ok Audi..?" Kelly asked, seeming a bit concerned. Everything slowly felt real again. "Uh- Yeah... I'm fine..." I slowly responded. I didn't know what happened... Did I dissociate..? Pacific talks about that kind of stuff sometimes, so I could ask him. "Hey Kelly, could you go get Pacific real quick..?" I asked Kelly. "Sure, I'll be right back with him." Kelly said while walking out. 

"Audi... Do you miss when nobody was dying..?" Addy asked. I just silently nodded. "Do you think I'm gonna die..?" Addy asked, more scared sounding than last time. "No, you'll survive this whole thing." I smiled at Addy gently while speaking. I knew she was an easy target, I knew she was likely to die. She didn't need to know that though.

Kelly and Pacific walked in. Kelly sat back next to Addy. Pacific walked up to me. "So uh- you wanted to ask me something..?" Pacific asked. "Oh uh- yeah... It involves dissociation." Pacific's eyes lit up as I said this. "Oh, did you feel like you weren't real or did the world not feel real?" Pacific asked before I could say anything else. "The world..." I said while looking around the room a bit. "Ah, derealization. Not very fun. I would know, I've been suffering from a lot of derealization since we got here... Also weird memories and extreme time blindness... But that's nothing to worry about. I'm sane I swear." Pacific sounded a bit desperate during that last part. Was he hiding something..?

"Uhh... Alright..  Is derealization normal..?" I asked. "Oh yeah, that's nothing to worry about. You should be fine if it was only one time. But if it keeps happening to the point you get concerned then you should probably talk to me." Pacific said before looking over at the medicine cabinet. "I should take my medicine though. It's an anxiolytic, which is supposed to help with anxiety, but I don't really feel any effects. Probably gonna stop taking it soon." Pacific said before taking his medicine. He just kinda waved bye and walked out. Addy, you should go to bed too..." Kelly said softly. Addy nodded and ran off.

"I'm gonna sleep in here with you to make sure nobody kills you..." Kelly said before getting up and hugging me again. Kelly then laid in the other bed in the medical tent. I eventually got myself to lay down too. "Goodnight Kelly..." I whispered to her. "Goodnight..." Kelly whispered back. I shut my eyes and went to sleep.

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