Chapter 12: Ruined Relationship

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I woke up, and Kelly wasn't there. Weird... My legs also had splints on them..? I don't remember putting those on... I grabbed the crutches Kelly made and tested them a bit, making sure the wouldn't break. They worked perfectly. I walked outside to go find Pacific, I wanted to talk to him more.

I was walking outside a bit before Kelly stomped over to me, looking absolutely pissed off. "Oh uh- Hi Kelly!" I said to her, smiling a bit, hoping the anger was temporary. "Shut the fuck up Audi, I don't want that bullshit right now." Kelly snapped at me, I almost fell over. "You know what you did, and I do too." Kelly screamed, extremely pissed off at me. "You thought you could kill my brother, and get no fucking consequences. But, that's not how the world fucking works." Kelly continued before shoving me to the ground. "K- Kelly- I- it was an accident... I swear-!" I desperately tried to defend myself. "Oh, it was an accident, I swear! SHUT THE FUCK UP. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." Kelly continued screaming at me. "Wh- who even told y- ..." I fell silent as I realized who told her. "DON'T GOT ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, WELL FUCK YOU TOO." Kelly kicked me in the chest before stomping off.

I struggled to get back up for a bit. I eventually managed to get up and started walking around to find Pacific again. I ran into Madeleine, who I just glared at. "Did Kelly talk to you yet..?" Madeleine asked, seeming a bit guilty. I just quietly nodded. "I'm sorry about saying that- it just kinda slipped out..." Madeleine said before hugging me. "Does this mean you'll stop figuring out the killers with me..?" she asked, seeming concerned. "No, it's uh- it's fine. Also we need to figure out the killers soon... I don't want Addy to die..." I said, almost on the verge of tears. "It's alright... We'll find out their identities soon..." Madeleine told me before pulling back from the hug. "I'm gonna go collect more evidence now... Bye Audi!" Madeleine told me before waving and walking away.

I just continued to look for Pacific. I noticed him inspecting the boat a bit by the docks. The moment I got onto the docks, he jumped. "A- Oh... Hi Audi..." Pacific said, seeming kinda on edge. "Hey... What are you doing..?" I asked. "Oh- heh- I was trying to see if I could try and fuel the boat up so we could get out of here before more people die." Pacific answered, a bit nervous. I was about to step a bit closer to him, but before I could, the boat blew up. It knocked me onto the grass, and set the dock on fire. I was careful not to get my crutches set ablaze. Pacific was in the fire, screaming in agony. I wanted to help, but I wasn't able to without risking my life too.

Pacific managed to crawl off the dock into the water, but not before the fire burned part of his clothing and hair. CJ quickly ran over and dived into the water to get Pacific up on land, as Madeleine ran over with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire on the dock. CJ quickly ran Pacific over to the medical tent. "Audi what happened??" Madeleine asked me, extremely scared and concerned. "I uh- I don't really know... I just went to talk to Pacific, and the boat blew up..." I answered, not entirely sure what happened either. "I- I think we should go make sure Pacific's ok..." Madeleine said before gesturing for me to follow her to the medical tent. We both walked over to it.

Inside, CJ was bandaging up Pacific. CJ was visibly trying not to have a panic attack, and Pacific was on the verge of losing consciousness. Once CJ finished that, she checked for a pulse. I'm assuming she found one, since she hugged Pacific, eyes slightly tearing up. When she let go of him, she realized me and Madeleine were here too. "Uh- Do you guys know if Pacific has any other shirts?" CJ asked. "I think he said something about how it's weird to not bring multiple shirts on a trip so he might- I can go look." I responded, before walking out of the medical tent.

I walked into the cabins, and looked around Pacific's bed a bit. I opened a drawer and found a shirt inside. I quickly put it over my shoulder, and walked off. I stopped right in front of the door for a few seconds, thinking of if I should actually do this. I eventually realized that no matter if I did or didn't, Pacific would still need a shirt. I walked out the door and back to the medical tent.

I handed the shirt to CJ and sat down on my bed. I just stared at Pacific. Was this my fault..? No... It wasn't... I was just a bystander... Right..? Maybe I should apologize... Should I..? Apologizing wouldn't help with the burns or any other physical injuries... Apologizing wouldn't help with the boat or the dock either... I don't know... Apologizing would be the right thing though...

"Pacific, I'm so-" I paused and realized he was asleep already. CJ and Madeleine had both already left too... How long was I lost in my thoughts..? I decided to just ignore it and look outside briefly. It was night already... I noticed two people walking together. By the silhouettes, I assumed that it was Killian and Roma. It looked like they were talking for a bit, before Roma hugged Killian. They both walked inside shortly after that.

I decided to go back and lay down. The sound of metal clashing against metal outside was keeping me up for a while. I just ignored it and kinda just forcefully shut my eyes. I finally managed to get myself to sleep not long afterwards.

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