Chapter 8: Double Trouble

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I woke up and looked around the room a bit. I looked at a clock and realized it was 11 o'clock. I decided to get up and go outside and sit at at the picnic table. I head footsteps behind me so I turned around and saw Madeleine. She sat across from me. "I kinda wanted to talk about the killings..." Madeleine stared at me while asking. "Uh- I actually did too." Madeleine's curiosity piqued after I said this. "Did you have any info about the killer that I should know..?" 

I just sat there quietly. "Do you or do you not?" Madeleine asked, a bit more insistent than earlier. I sighed before mentioning anything. "I heard 2 people talking about Simon's death outside last night.". "So..? It could have just been Kelly and O-" "No." I cut Madeleine off. "Listen, one of them mentioned how the other killed V. Also apparently V and Simon were both on this... 'Do not kill' list or something." Madeleine was staring in horror as I was speaking. 

"Do you not realize what this means Audi..?" Madeleine was in sheer terror. "what?" I just kinda stared at her. Madeleine's horror shifted to staring at me like I'm stupid. "Audi that means pretty much anybody could be one the killers, and that the brown hair won't help us much." Madeleine paused for a second. "Except you, I doubt you're the killer." Madeleine said quickly. "Why?" I asked.

Madeleine just stared at me for a bit, possibly trying to word what she was trying to say properly. "You're... kinda..." "Fuckin stupid lmao" CJ cut off Madeleine while she was walking past. "Yeah..." Madeleine responded in an apologetic tone. I decided to get up and walk away.

I went back and sat on my bed. "Bend the nightmare, You control it, Artful dodger, Easy does it." Kelly quietly sang, presumably lyrics of some sort. It kinda looked like she was on the verge of crying... I didn't know how I was gonna tell her... I looked away from her because I genuinely couldn't stand thinking about it anymore. I was just sitting on my bed for a few minutes. I eventually got up and started walking back outside.

I started walking through the forest a bit. I noticed how dark it was compared to outside the forest.  I just mindlessly walked and walked. I don't know what was compelling me to walk. I was walking for hours until I finally managed to get back to the cabins. It was dark. Most people had gone to sleep already. 

I was about to go inside, until I heard a female voice from behind me. It was only 2 words, "Surprise Bitch.".  I couldn't process who's it was before I got stabbed in the back and got shoved to the ground. I was trying to process the situation at all. Eventually I got up and ran to the medical tent.

Pacific was there just taking his medicine. He kinda just stared at me confused. "Are you ok..?" he asked. "PACIFIC THERE'S A KNIFE IN MY BACK. WHAT DO YOU THINK." I screamed. I admit, I could have been a bit nicer, but I was kinda scared of losing too much blood. Pacific just kinda glared at me. We were both completely silent.

"Take off your shirt." Pacific demanded. "What the fuck is wrong with y-" I got cut off before I could finish. "One, I'm gay. Two, clothing will screw with the bandages. Three, you are wearing a bra. I mean I hope you are." Pacific explained. "Might have to cut off the shirt considering the knife is going through it." Pacific then added. 

"Pacific this is my only shirt." I said. "Who doesn't bring more than one shirt on a trip-" He sighed before continuing. "You know what? You can have one of my shirts." Pacific said while grabbing scissors. Pacific slowly cut off my shirt. I felt so uncomfortable while this was happening. He then slowly removed the knife and bandaged my torso up. "You should probably sleep here for now. I'll go grab one of my shirts real quick." Pacific said before walking out.

Eventually Pacific walked back in and handed me a shirt with a cat eating ramen on it. I turned it inside out and ripped off the tag. Then I put it on and stared at Pacific. Pacific just adjusted his eye patch a bit before walking out. Not too long after that I fell asleep.

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