Chapter 9: Breeze of Uneaze

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I woke up and Pacific was already in here, taking his medicine. "What is that medicine even for anyways?" I asked. "Anxiety. Also I literally can't sleep at night without taking it." Pacific responded, turning to face me. "Alright, I have another question. Why did you bring us here." I asked, a bit more harshly than before. Pacific just stared at me. "Do you not like it here or something..?" He asked. "No- I just..." I struggled to get out what I was trying to tell him.

Pacific stared at me, his eyes seemed kinda dead, almost like he was staring through me. I couldn't hold it back anymore. "I THINK YOU'RE THE KILLER AND I FUCKING HATE YOU." I screamed. I really regret saying that... Pacific just stared at me and looked like he was holding back tears. He stared at me for a few seconds before grabbing something and running away. I noticed some blood drop on the floor from his hand...

I decided to get up from bed. I'd be sleeping here for one more night, which was tonight. I decided that I'd look around the medical tent a bit. I looked over at where Pacific keeps his medication. There was only one bottle, and it was partially empty. I doubt this would last him the entire trip. I decided to just walk out and see if anything was going on outside.

I noticed Kelly and Sap were planting some flowers around the cabins. "And you wanna be careful to not damage the roots at all, so the flower can stay alive." Sap said in a gentle voice. "That olive green flower and that purple flower reminds me of us." Kelly mentioned light-heartedly. I decided not to bother them

I found Katt and Coda talking together at the beach. "And that's why I think we should use an ouija board to communicate with the dead people to find out who the killer is." Katt explained to Coda. "I mean, would that even work?" Coda asked. "If you believe enough, it will." Katt responded. I was thinking about asking them about it, but I decided against it. I walked away from them and decided to look for Pacific to apologize.

I found Pacific sitting at the docks, looking at the water. The sides of his shirt were faintly stained red for some reason. He was wearing a black shirt, so it was pretty hard to see, but I could still make it out. "Hey Pacific... I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier... I was just-" I was cut off by Pacific. "Shut up." Pacific said quietly. I sighed and just decided to walk back to the medical tent since it was pretty late.

I went and laid down, feeling horrible for saying that to Pacific. I was just staring upwards. Pacific eventually walked in and took his medicine. He didn't talk or even make eye contact with me. All he did was take his medicine. I noticed that there was 2 straight cuts across Pacific's hand. One was across his fingers, and the other was across his palm. The lines were parallel, and it's possible he held a razor blade wrong. He eventually walked out.

Eventually I was alone in the medical tent. It was late, and I tried going to sleep. Until I heard those two people talking again. Their voices were pretty muffled, but i could still make out words. This time the woman started off. 
"Can you remind me why we went over here again?"
"Because there's no windows to leave open."
"Oh. Makes sense."
"Yeah. The only person in there is Audi but she's probably asleep by now."
"Alright. Speaking of Audi, should we try our plan again?"
"Actually, I have a new plan. I'll probably attempt it tomorrow or something."
"If it involves asking, are you actually gonna do it this time?"
"I'm sorry that I forgot to ask... I'm pretty sure I saw someone else trying to ask and she said no though."
"Also, are we still gonna do the uh- what was it called again..?"
"The Z plan?"
"Yeah, we're still gonna do that."

I wanted to listen for longer to try and get more info, but I was too tired to. Eventually I fell asleep, scared for tomorrow.

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