Chapter 6: Peace on The Island

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I woke up and got out of bed to grab the drawing. It was... my drawing..? There was a rip through the paper though... Who would do that..? I stared at the drawing a bit longer, before setting it down and looking around a bit. It was pretty early, and I noticed Owen and Kelly weren't in their beds...

I changed into my regular clothes to go outside and it was... Actually kinda nice out... I started to look for Owen and Kelly before I heard their voices. I quickly ran to find the source and they were... Chilling at the lake talking about Pokemon..? I wouldn't blame them honestly, the weather was nice unlike yesterday.

I started listening into their conversation while they didn't realize I'm here.
"Y'know, Mew is probably my favorite Pokemon. I just love Mew." Owen said excitedly.
"I really like Mew too. I'm glad you decided to come here to the lake with me." Kelly said, calmer than Owen, but still relatively excited.

Owen went a bit more quiet. "You know how most people left their devices at home Kelly..?"
"Yeah, why?"
Owen proceeded to pull out 2 Nintendo DSs, one for both of them I was assuming. He then pulled out what looked like 2 DS games, I was assuming Pokemon games. Kelly hugged Owen, before grabbing one of the games, and a DS. They started playing together, they seemed pretty happy honestly.

I started walking away, but got jumpscared by CJ. She seemed a bit shocked too honestly. I noticed she was holding a comb for some reason.
"Heyy... What are you doing with that..?"
"Using it as a comb..?"
We both stared at each other slightly awkwardly. After a few seconds she just walked away. That was weird... She seemed suspicious...

I continued walking around, until I found Addy and Simon drawing together. It looked like they were drawing each other. They looked pretty silly while doing that. I decided not to bother them and walk away.

Seven was sitting in the forest alone. I decided to sit next to her. She started talking to me.
"Oh- Hey Audi"
"I actually wanted to ask you something"
"Sure, what'd ya want to ask?"
"Why did you and Pacific decide to bring us here?"
"Oh uh- more of it was Pacific's idea honestly. And I guess it's just nice to chill here. The deaths are unfortunate though..."
"Don't you find that strange though..? People get invited into an island and they start dying. I feel like Pacific is-"
Seven paused, her eyes widening. I heard a voice from behind me.
"I'm the what, Seven?"
I turned around to find Pacific staring at Seven, seemingly confused.

Seven was too afraid to speak, and Pacific seemed to grow kinda scared.
"You- you don't think I'm the killer... Right Seven..?"
Seven remained silent. Pacific sighed and walked away. Seven only started talking again once he was out of sight.
"So, I'm pretty sure he's the killer."
I just kinda got up and walked away.

I found Madeleine sitting down with a bunch of tools around her.
"Don't ask."
"I wasn't going to."
I picked up a circular saw blade and just threw it like a Frisbee as hard as I could. Madeleine stared at me in horror.
"Audi what if that hit someone."
"Oh shit-"
Madeleine got up as we both heard screaming. We both ran as fast as possible to find...

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