Chapter 4: Prank Gone Wrong.

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...Cookie standing outside the shed..? He looked like he was trying to open the door. Maybe it was locked. But what reason would Tom lock the door? It didn't really matter right now. All I needed to do was unlock it.

I grabbed a stick thin enough to fit through the crack in the side of the door. I fit it though and managed to get the wooden plank locking the door off. I gently open the door... Only to find Tom hanging... I saw Cookie staring at Tom's body, it's almost like he had seen a ghost. Technically Tom is a ghost now, but still.

Tom was hanging by his neck and arms. I didn't see any physical injuries, aside from the "2" carved onto his cheek. All the stuff that was on the shelves appeared to have been knocked onto the floor. Scratches were on some of the walls, it looks like Tom was struggling quite a bit.

I backed out of the shed to remove myself from the situation a bit. I bumped into Owen.
"Oh uh... Sorry..."
"It's ok Audi..."
Owen seemed a bit quieter than usual.
"Are you ok..?"
"Yeah, I'm fine..."
"No, like- ok mentally."
Owen walked away after I said that.

Was he ok? Should I talk to him? I think it's best to leave him alone now. I started walking around to find someone else to talk with. I found Madeleine sitting at the dock alone. That's weird... Isn't she usually with Gideon or Pacific? I decided to walk up to her and start a conversation.
"Hi Madeleine!"
"Oh uh- Hi..."
"Why are you sitting here alone?"
"Me and Gideon kinda got into a fight... He stormed off afterwards and I can't find him..."
"What were you guys fighting about..? If you don't mind me asking of course."
"He was saying stuff like that we should stay, while I was saying we should leave. With a killer on the loose, I think that would be obvious."
I sighed
"Listen, Me and Pacific did a lot of work to get everyone on the trip, I personally don't like doing a lot of work to just have it be worth nothing. Also, I think you're one of the smartest people on the island, and you could help us catch the killer! What do you say, Madeleine."
I reached out my hand to her.

Madeleine hesitated, before grabbing my hand and speaking.
"Also, there was just another murder, could you try analyzing the body maybe? I'm not that good at it."
"As long as you ask people what they were doing."
"Alright! The body is in the tool shed."
Madeleine walked off to the tool shed as I walked over to the sleeping area.

I walked in, seeing only 5 people. Sap, Roma, CJ, Pacific, and Killian. CJ and Pacific were sitting on Pacific's bed talking, Roma was drawing while on her bed, Sap was sitting on his bed, and Killian was sitting on his bed, doing something with a razor.

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