twenty one

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*a month later*


i laid in my bed as i declined another call from matt. i decided it would be easier on both of us to cut off connection with each other. i also didn't want mr. davis going after matt.

"mom, i'm gonna go out and get some coffee"

"alright sweetheart. call if you need anything." she replied

i walked outside and went to my car just as i was about to get in an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand covered my mouth causing me to drop my wallet.

"make a single sound and your family, friends, matt, will all get killed. you hear me?"

i nodded. the hand on my mouth was replaced with a cloth and i could feel myself start to black out.


i woke up tied to a chair giving me flashbacks to when matt had kidnapped me. i sat there silently with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"well look who we have here" mr. davis came into the room

"you better leave matt alone" i growled

"don't you worry as long as you do what i say, i'll leave your precious little matt alone."

"i want you to go through all the pain i went through when i lost my son."

he has a knife in his hand. he made a cut along one of my thighs. i let out a cry in pain.

"shut up" he yelled "you have no idea what's coming to you"


short but i plan to make the next chapter longer.

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