𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟒.

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Harry was sleeping in his crib, sucking on his fist, and Severus was reading a book in the living room when Albus showed up. He was wearing periwinkle blue robes, and when he noticed the relief on Snape's face at his arrival his old eyes twinkled merrily as they were so prone to do.

"How are things holding up, Severus? he asked.

"What is he supposed to eat? How often am I supposed to check on him? Oh. And I am not purchasing myself a rocker but there needs to be something in that boy's room that I can sit upon without breaking my back!" Severus said.

"Was it a long night?" Albus asked with a smile.

Snape chose not to dignify the question with an answer.

"I spoke to Molly Weasley," Albus said, seating himself on Snape's black leather couch and placing the green throw pillow on the floor. "She says that if you need anything for Harry then there are some things she may be able to spare. Of course, she has a baby of her own right now, but she said she'd do what she could,"

"I don't want to...inconvenience her," Snape answered, meaning that he didn't really want Molly Weasley's rocking chair or baby clothes which had already been used by five children and most likely had strange images on them.

"I thought you might not," Dumbledore nodded. "That's alright. She didn't know who the things were for, of course. I'm trying to keep Harry's where-abouts very top secret. Only you and I know, plus Minerva."

"Why Minerva?" Snape asked.

"She found out by intercepting me on my way here. She's agreed to keep it totally quiet, and also that it is for the best," Dumbledore said.

Snape wasn't sure if that was good or not, but he decided to drop it for the time being.

"We will find you a chair and also some toys for Harry," Dumbledore continued.

Snape had seen the woman at the store buying toys but he thought those were strictly optional and something he didn't need to indulge in. Dumbledore had a very different opinion on it however. "Not only does Harry need toys, but you need to play with him," he instructed. "It will be crucial to Harry's development."

Snape looked very concerned. Why was such a tiny person so much work?

Dumbledore smiled reassuring at Snape. "Don't worry Severus. I'll find whatever else you need and send it over tomorrow. Probably with Minerva, until then you can manage, right?"

Severus was insulted. Of course he could manage. He was beyond managing. "We'll be fine, headmaster," Snape replied.

"Good," Albus smiled merrily and turned to the door. "Good day, Severus."

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

Snape was just giving Harry breakfast when he heard a small knock on his door the following morning. He sincerely hoped it was someone, anyone, bringing him a different chair. He'd ended up on the kitchen chair again, unable to sleep, knowing that if he left the room Harry would just sit up and look around.

He opened the door and the smile that came to his face was the first one Minerva McGonagall had ever seen. Despite the smile however, Minerva was taken aback.

"Why, Severus," she managed. "You look awful."

His hair was a mess, he had not yet changed, and he had circles under his eyes. The smile dropped from his face. "Yes well, I'm sure you might look awful as well if you were trying to look after a one-year old," Snape said snidely.

Minerva sniffed. "Oh I'm sure I'd manage it," she said. "Anyhow, I have brought you some things Albus said you might need." She had with her a chair, a black leather recliner, which made Snape's heart rejoice, as well as a high chair for Harry, and some toys.

Snape accepted them and quickly moved them into his small home. The chair went directly into Harry's room and the high chair went into the kitchen. As Snape set the toys on the living room floor, Minerva saw Harry sitting there, opening and closing his mouth, waiting for Snape to finish feeding him. Snape had given him some cheerios this morning and he enjoyed them very much.

"Why hello there, little Mr. Potter," Minerva said, stooping down to pick Harry up. As soon as her hands touched him though he began to squirm. He shook his head and wiggled his little body.

Snape reached over and took the struggling baby who calmed down.

"Severus," McGonagall smiled. "I never knew you had such a way with children,"

Snape just smiled cooly in reply and bid farewell to his coworker. Before she left, she handed Snape one more thing that he was a bit more reluctant to take. It was a magazine. On parenting.

"What is this for?" Snape asked.

"Albus thought you might need some ideas on what to do with Harry. Plus it will tell you the kind of things that are important for you to do with Harry. Otherwise you could really mess him up," Minerva accused.

Snape rolled his eyes and took the magazine. He would only read it for the wizarding world's sake. Plus it might be a serious crime to screw up the Boy-Who-Lived. He opened the door as a sign to McGonagall and she gave him a curt nod and walked out. Once she was gone Severus set Harry down in the high chair and poured some cheerios onto the tray. He wouldn't admit it, but he was glad Harry was happier to be held by him than by McGonagall.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

Harry was excited to see something he could play with. Snape had set him in the living room where all sorts of fun new things awaited. He grabbed a ball and tried to put it in his mouth though it was much to big.

"It's not going to fit in there," Snape said. He took the ball away from Harry, and at first the little boy looked shocked and began to stick his lip out but then Severus rolled the ball over to Harry then he knelt down just a few feet away.

"Roll it back, Potter," Snape said and he patted the ground in front of him. Harry tilted his head to the side like a puppy and, after concentrating for a moment, pushed the ball back to Snape. When Snape passed it back to Harry, his face broke out into a grin. His four little teeth were visible and his big green eyes closed in delight.

"Good boy," Snape reassured. "Pass it back."

Harry pushed the ball again. And Snape only barely bit back a smile when he passed the ball back to Harry.

------------------------ ~♥~ ------------------------

Harry was asleep in his crib taking a nap and Snape was getting more and more worried. He was skimming through the magazine he had been brought. Some of these things were ridiculous. According to one article music was important for a baby's development. So was clapping. And reading. And singing. And talking. Powerful Parenting said Snape was supposed to talk a lot to Harry so that he could learn to talk too.

"I'm not a nurturer," Snape moaned putting his head in his hands. "I agreed to this as a Protector, not a parent."

But as Snape lifted his head, he looked from his new chair across the room to the crib against the wall. Harry rolled over and made a sighing sound and Snape stood, setting the magazine down on the chair. He went to the living room and found a small stuffed owl Harry had been playing with earlier and placed it in the crib with him, then he quietly went out, shutting the door behind him.

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