𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑.

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Needless to say, Snape had never felt so unprepared for the coming of the students. Normally he spent the week before their arrival picking out the most annoying, time consuming homework assignments, and dreaming up nearly impossible questions to quiz his students with. Normally he spent the night before poring over a potions journal and then retiring to bed early. This was not normal. Snape had only just drifted off, still in the leather chair with Harry snuggled against him, when a soft beeping from the other room, an alarm charm, sounded, waking him up. Snape pushed a strand of hair out of his face and looked down at Harry. Next to Harry's mouth there was a damp spot of drool on his robes.

"That's charming, Harry," Snape said, quietly. He stood up slowly, adjusting Harry in his arms so that he wouldn't be jolted around and therefore woken up, and placed him gently in his crib. Snape went back to his room and quickly got himself dressed and ready for the day. The students wouldn't be arriving till that night, so Snape had time to practice his glares and glances sure to inspire shivers from the students during the opening feast that night. Snape did have to tidy and organize the classroom though, and finish getting Harry's things situated in the small living quarters. It was going to be a long day.

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Snape was in the tiny kitchen, furnished with black cabinets and countertops, and featuring small serpent shaped handles on the cabinet doors, when he heard Harry stirring. He took the hot pan off of the stove top, then went to get Harry. Harry was singing to himself softly in the crib, lying on his side and patting one hand against his tummy. When Snape came in he sat up and grinned, rubbing his eyes with his fist to get what Snape's mother had always called "the sleepies" out of them.

"'Napey," Harry said, happily.

"Morning, Harry," Snape replied quietly. He carried him over to the dresser and searched for an appropriate outfit. Harry shrieked and pointed his finger dramatically at an item in the open drawer. It was, of course, the panda shirt. Snape tried not to groan. Looking down at the article of clothing he muttered, "Did I honestly purchase this?" The answer was obvious. Snape shook his head and took the panda shirt from the drawer. "What is this world coming to?" Snape asked himself as he dressed Harry in it. Harry was beyond delighted with his outfit. Once seated and strapped in to his new booster seat at the table Harry would not stop looking down at his shirt and oohing.

"Harry, eat your cheerios," Snape said. "Professor Snape isn't cooing at his buttons, is he?"

"'Nape!" Harry cheered. He pointed excitedly at the panda on his shirt and bounced up and down. "'Nape! Ooh!"

"That's called a panda, Harry," Snape said. "He is happily munching on bamboo, and unless you let him, and me, eat in peace, we're going to need to change your shirt."

Harry hummed happily to himself as he ate his cheerios, but he still looked down expectantly at his shirt frequently, and he always seemed excited to see that the panda was indeed still there.

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The playpen was dragged into the potions classroom and Snape put the stuffed owl, some blocks, the orange car, and a couple chunky books into it, then set Harry down and prayed that Harry would be able to entertain himself for a time while Snape got the classroom ready for the next day and the first lesson. Harry had seemed to want the frog which he'd played with a few days ago, but Snape staunchly refused to let him have such an uneducational object. He was very pleased with himself for not giving Harry the frog. It only proved he was still tough as nails, and not at all controlled by his young charge. Harry sang songs consisting of "ooh", "aah", "ee" and "dodo" to his stuffed owl while Snape began checking the cupboards, ensuring they were all stocked with current ingredients. He straightened the shelves of textbooks with a flick of his wand, and set the cauldrons to cleaning themselves with another. He sat down at his desk, pleased that it was still in order, just as he'd left it the year before, and began looking over rolls and lesson plans.

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